The First Night

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As night approached, so did the shadows. In Atlanta, when night comes it seems as though the forest comes alive. You hear the steady crickets and rattlesnakes in the distance. The green tops of the trees seem to sway to some unheard beat. They create their own rustling sound and combined with the rattles and chirping makes a kind of hypnotic sound. It's very nice to sit and think but I didn't have time for that. I wanted to know why I was getting hotter and why I was still smelling my mom's pecan pie.

Then I looked into the forest and almost died of fright. I saw a huge pack of wolves staring at me and they looked menacing. The saliva dripping from their jaws also made them look hungry. They advanced toward my body, which was frozen in place by fear, then suddenly came to a halt. They separated and the biggest one came forward. His look was neither menacing nor hungry. It was more of an inviting kind of waiting. That was completely in contrast to his fur which was an angry almost blood red color.

That thought snapped me out of my state of fear. All I could think about was  "Will my blood blend in with his fur? OMG, I'm so dead. Wonder will it be like in the moves where they rip me apart? People usually stay still and whatever passes over them but that's in the movies. You know what, Fuck that I'm running. Hopefully I can get far enough, fast enough to call for help. No, not help, nobody will answer. Maybe fire. IDK Please help me Jesus. I'm gone." And then I sprinted as fast as I could. I heard the pounding of the pavement behind me and willed myself further. It really didn't help because I could hear their paws gaining on me and knew I was a goner. My last wish was to be away from the wolves. Then I felt this weird feeling like my stomach knotting up. It hurt and I felt sick to my stomach and the pain was unbearable.

I stopped because I knew that my life was over. They got me and it was all because of my stupid stomach. Then I took note that the wolves had also slowed. I realized that they sounded very far behind me. So I built up the courage to look back and the wolves stopped and stared. Then the birds stared at me too. That made me very nervous. I had so many questions. "Did I just teleport? Why are all the animals staring at me? Am I still going to die? Wonder if I really smelled that pecan pie? Well, if I could teleport," "I want to go home now." I said aloud. I felt silly at first but then I felt that weird feeling again and next thing I know I was in my room.

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