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~In the morning~

"Hmmn...noooooooo" you take your phone and turn off the alarm and roll out of bed you hit the ground with a thud!

You groan at slowly inch toward the door you opening it groggy yawns escaping you as you stretched your arm to do so. You lazily fling it open and let your hand fall next to you. You start crawling down the stairs when you reach the bottom you layer there and stretched your entire body like at cat would. You lay there for a few seconds before you catch a whiff of... "muffins~" you rapidly got up and ran to the dinning room you loved muffins (sorry if you don't) you sat at the table as if you were there all along when Ura turned around and saw you she jumped a little "oh (y/n) your awake...haha...you scared me!"

You only kept your eyes on the muffins she held with an oven mitt the only word escaping your mouth was a long and eery "Muffffffiiiiinnnnnsssss~" a bit of drool escaping the side of your mouth

She sighed and set down the fresh batch she brought you a single muffin "I you can guess you can have one""Awwwww only one?"You look at her with puppy dog eyes " can't I have more"you slightly begged "fine but only a few more" She patted your head leaving you with a pleased smile on your face "yay!" You took the muffin and bit into it it was light and fluffy. The flavor of blueberry filled your mouth and your smile grew a bit wider "yum!" You enjoyed the muffins and ate like 5 more they were just so good!

~time skip to when Ura has to leave~

"Bye Ura!" You watched as her tugged the straps on her backpack and walk out the door "Bye (Y/n)! Have fun at the training for work!" You look at her then realize it was today that they wanted you "Oh! Ya I will, bye!!!" You watched her wave as she kept walking until she was out of sight.

You go up to the bedroom and find a white dress shirt, black slacks, black vest, and a black tie  you bought for some reason mainly because you thought it would help make good looking outfits. You smile and grab your small black side purse walk out the door to your new job well you would be in training so ya... "YAY NEW JOB!!!!!!" You yell as you walked into the near empty streets

I'm so sorry that took so long to make!!! I'm so fricken busy with so many things!!! I will try to get the next chapter out by next Friday if not then hopefully next next Monday!

Player Two [Tomura Shigaraki X Reader] {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now