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Shigaraki had woken up first. The strangely comforting silence of the nearly empty house was quite pleasant to the young man that had been asleep in his seemingly only friend's house. He had looked down to see the young women still asleep on his lap. He couldn't figure out how she had been able to sleep like that for so long. (Y/N) was quite peaceful looking while sleeping on him although she did seem like she could feel him shift when he had woken up. He sighed and looked down at her. He had begun to gently shake her to wake her up. She seemed to groan before waking up "What do you want" she asked as her half-opened eyes peered up at him. She was having a slightly aggressive hangover and wanted to sleep in for a few more hours. Shigaraki was having a similar experience but didn't give it much notice due to the fact he had to get back to the bar.

(Y/N) let out a slight groan when shigaraki had pushed her off of him and onto the floor. She had almost hit the coffee table on the way off his lap. She let out a slight growl when she had felt herself on the ground "Asshole" she said while shigaraki had stood up and laughed at her a bit. "Yeah, sure," he said carefully helping her get up. She sighed gently "Can't I keep you for a day? Or is your mom just that strick?" She asked with a slight laugh. Shigaraki simply rolled his eyes annoyed at the statement and had begun to scratch his neck a little bit. "I wouldn't know," he said in a slight whispered in a slightly a voice that sounded a bit exasperated. She sighed a bit "I guess I should let you go now" she hummed walking over to the door to open it for him not even really noticing his shift in mood. She had slapped his hand away from his neck "I thought I told you to stop that" she said while still going. Shigaraki seemed to be a bit shocked that she had even touched his hand. His disbelief had been washed away when he heard the door open. He looked up and saw (Y/N) holding the door open and saying "Well it's been fun but I guess you have to go now." she said softly while looking quite frazzled and a major case of bed head. He gave his hair a slight ruffle as if now self-conscious of his own. He had a thought lurking in the back of his mind and decided to finally bring it up to her. He moved closer to where she was " Wanna hang out later today?" he asked her with a small smile creeping onto his dry and cracked lips. She smiled a bit and chuckled a bit "Thought you would never ask" she smiled "Text me the details" she said with a soft voice. With that, he had begun to walk out of the door. He gave a small wave 'goodbye' to her as he left her home with a headache and a few short memories.

On the other hand (Y/N) was quite excited to go out despite the fact she had a hang-over. She decided that she would make herself a quick breakfast before actually getting ready for the day.

After a quick breakfast and a nice long shower (Y/N) was laying on the couch watching a video. It was something Ura had sent her. It was a video on being cautious of villains such as Stain. (Y/N) turned the video off half-way threw. She was getting annoyed with how much people were talking about villains, especially Stain. It wasn't really the video that was annoying her it was simply the fact that nearly everyone was speaking about him. "You've heard it once you've heard it a million times" she mumbled while texting a quick 'thanks' to her. (Y/N) sat up on the couch and sighed. She thought about taking a short walk outside for a little while sounded kinda peaceful to her. A short 'ding' could be heard from her phone and she picked it up it was Shigaraki "sorry for the late text.." another 'ding' had followed the previous one. "Anyway wanna meet at the mall?". (Y/N) gave a small smile while reading the text "sure, where should we meet?". She heard one last 'ding' before she had read his text "how about the fountain close to the entrance?" She smiled gently and typed in a quick "sounds good to me! see you there soon" before throwing on a light jacket and heading towards the door phone in her pocket along with her keys.

(A/N): Hello my readers! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long! Also for the short chapter and to leave you on somewhat of a cliff hanger! but I have a little something in store for Y'all! Anyway, I hope you guys are staying safe during this quarantine and are having a great day/night! Again, Thank you so much for sticking with this story and expect another chapter soon (Maybe; depends on homework and stuff)! And don't forget to wear your masks morning, noon, and night!

[[There is a small note I left for everyone on the comments it's not much but I do hope you understand]]

word count:793

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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