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The streets were near empty and the sun was still rising you decided you wanted to wander the area before going to the bar in which you would soon be working at.

You had wandered through the area getting a good idea of what it was like. You had found a small children's park it had a small tower, a few swings, a slide, and a couple of benches you looked to the right all you saw were the large browning leaves that autumn was slowly bringing more of.

You looked to the left of area the same scene had been set by the surrounding nature but one thing was different there was a hooded figure now sitting on the swing set a chill went down your spine you didn't see much of what he looked like.

You were curious, as usual, so you slowly approach the man his black hoodie still covering his face you kept approaching him slowly and consciously you were scared he would flee so you tried to stay silent... now you though about it this is like you trying to sneak attack somebody... well you didn't see any point in that so you kept your slow ' CRACK ' a twig had abruptly snapped by the weight and pressure of your foot.

the man looked directly toward you your eyes looked for just a second or two but it was enough for you to remember what his eyes looked like, the same for him, he got up and fled the scene, like a mouse scattering away in fear you did the same.

The man's POV

My eyes meet with a pair of (e/c) ones they looked familiar but...why? After only a second or two I had fled the area and had made my way back to the bar 'Those eyes they seem so familiar... am I mistaking them for another's or am I just imagining things...but where... where were they from if they were so recognizable....' I thought as I walked in and took a seat kurogiri must have noticed me enter because he started to ramble about me going out and not telling him, damn I swear he acts like my mom sometimes, annoying.

I unconsciously started to scratch my neck both kurogiri and the strange girl had me annoyed and I wasn't ready to get a lecture from sensei any time soon "kurogiri shut up, I'm going to my room don't bug me unless it's important" I give him a cold look before heading up to my room that was behind the bar area of the building.

I sit down in my chair and turn to my computer screen it's black glow board into my eyes I didn't bother turning it on I was to busy thinking about who's eyes those could have been...why...why were they so familiar? "Hmm" I hummed closing my eyes remembering a time that was long ago before I had met sensei.

~flash back!~

There I sat on the cold ground my back supported by the side of a hard metal bench I occasionally picked up a pebble and disintegrated it with my quirk.

I hugged my knees to my chest and placed my face into them completing the small 'egg' I had become my eyes began to tear up it was getting a bit late the sun had began to set that's when I heard a small meek female voice "why are you crying?" I tried to ignore her but she ended up sitting right next to me I felt the scratch on my cheek tear open and leek blood...'that's what I get for trying to lower my head more than it already can' I thought to my self her soft voice spoke again "w-what's wrong? Did something happen?" I responded coldly but that's all I really remember my voice had been drowned out by my mind I was unable to figure out what I said it ended with her asking for the time and if there was a clock near by I had lied and ran away from the place before she could find me again I and I never saw her again.

-end flash back-

During that time she had healed my wound and I had also met eyes hers were...wait... that's where I saw it! That's why the eyes are familiar! They look practically identical! A soft chuckle escaped my lips and I grinned "and so we meet again"

Your POV

I had just stopped running and began walking, his eyes were...red...and also familiar I wonder from were, you were now  casually walking to your new job as a bar tender in training you were interested how different it would be from the bars in America and what kind of things the people would do when they drank to much you smiled and continued to walk.

I began to think back to my dream "hmm" I remember the boy and his eyes were red...RED that was the color of the mans eyes and they looked practically identical! Was it really him?! Wow I let out a silent gasp at my recent discovery. I enter the bar and get directed to the training area after asking a few of the bartenders and with that my life as a bartender began...again

A/N: I'm so sorry for all the really slow updates so I decided I would try to make this one a bit longer and your first encounter! The next chapter might take a while but don't worry I won't give up on this story! I love it and I hope you guys do to! Next chapter you guys are going to be starting back home and possibly on a day off from your job at the bar idk we will see ^^ any way have an amazing rest of the day be it night or day... XD made reeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllllll EARLY 👌👌👌👌 I'm tired

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