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(Y/N) pov

After a long shift and an even longer day, I was finally returning to my temporary home just in time for dinner. I place my (f/c) coat on the rack and take off my black shoes as well I sit at the table a shaken-looking uraraka and family was quite as well you look around and sat down serving myself deciding not to say anything, as to not upset anyone at the table, I decided that after dinner I would have a talk with Ura.

~small time skip~

I was sitting in Ura's room at the edge of her bed she let out a heavy sigh "what am I going to do (Y/n) ?" she asked sitting up slightly asking me she had told me all about today it sounded terrible being attacked in the middle of class. "trust me Ura if you want to be a hero this is the stuff you have to do even though I've never been one myself you can trust me when I say it." she gave me a rather quick nod before answering in her normal enthusiastic voice "your right! I just have to work harder!" I chuckle a bit seeing her go back to her usual self "good to have you back Ura but now I have to go get some rest you know with work and all... wait! I have off tomorrow!" I pump my fist in the air "yes 10 hours of Youtube and other things here I come!"  Ura laughed "I have off too maybe we could go to the mall together and hang out!" I thought for a little "sure! that sounds fun!" after that, I waved bye and walked out of her room and walked to mine falling onto my bed and falling asleep as soon as I laid my head on the plethora of pillows.

~ time skip to morning ~

I woke up with a start although I wasn't able to remember my dream my feelings of it still lingered  "interesting..."  I heard a knock on my door "(y/n) were heading out soon so please be ready!" I heard ura I could tell she had woken up earlier and from the sound of her voice she had coffee "ok I'll be out in a little" I got up and got dressed in some casual attire before walking out and heading downstairs seeing her waiting on the couch she looked up and smiled at me "lets go!" she walked to the door putting on her shoes before walking out I followed behind her. we walked outside and a light breeze blowing I snuggled into my (f/c) coat and keep walking close behind Ura we get to the train station and get on the train to the mall we got there in a few short minutes due to the trains exquisite timing.  We got to the mall and entered it was very large someone could easily get lost in it. The shops were of a large variety having options from weights to clothing we agreed if we somehow got separated or lost we would meet in the food court and alert the other using their phone after that we began to wander around the shops looking at random things and trying on outfits. we were having a great time that's when I got separated from Ura she said something about having to use the bathroom and left in the blink of an eye I felt someone bump into my side and heard them say a quick sorry before going on there way I was freaking out too hard that I didn't notice they had taken my bag that I had held loosely in my hand while looking around I looked  down and noticed that my bag was gone the guy..." oh no" I looked around frantically "no! No!" I started pushing my way through the crowd occasionally say sorry I saw a black hoodie in the sea of people I ran toward them "excuse me, mister!" I kept following him he turned into a game shop and  followed him in seeing him head to the back I walked calmly to him I saw him take off his hoodie revealing his pale blue hair and him turning around looking at me with piercing red eyes my mind fell silent everything seemed to become quite before I spoke up "i-it's you...?"

Shigaraki's Pov

I went to the mall to get a new game since I beat the last one but I had a run-in with the same (e/c) eyed girl as before she looked dazed so I took the opportunity and took her bag that would surely get her attention she noticed soon after because I heard her yelling she followed me into the video game store all she could say was "i-it's you...?" I chuckled and gave her a small wave "sorry I took your bag I just needed to get the chance to talk to you" I came closer to her "so do you remember me?" I asked standing tall she looked a bit startled and surprised but I was soon met with cold words "so you stole my bag and make me run halfway across the mall after you?!" she scoffed not what I was expecting but understandable I chuckled at her behavior "ah it's refreshing to be yelled at by someone with little to no authority over me" I laughed a bit refreshing indeed I found it funny more than anything it made me smile a little "my names shigaraki we didn't get to meet properly last time" I stuck out my hand for her to shake I loved to play this joke with new people they would always reach for it out of respect she was no different I pulled my hand away " wouldn't do that if I were you" I chuckled a bit "why did you do that" she asked in confusion I smiled a bit "lets just say my quirk won't allow it to happen" she rolled her eyes "sure ok so, my names (y/n) nice to officially meet you too!" she said I could tell she remembered the day we meet on the playground "so what brought you back here I remember you saying something about leaving so I assumed you meant somewhere else especially since I never saw you again" I turned around and picked up a copy of diablo three reaper of souls and read the description considering buying it "ya I left to america for a new start with my family but I returned because I wanted to come back to my place of origin" she told me I turned around and walked past her with a single hand I signaled for her to follow me I paid for the game and exited the shop she still followed "well I'm sure your friends worried about you or something like that go find her or how ever that goes"I smile at her and give a short peace sign before disappearing and appearing back in the bar  my usual frown was now place firmly on my dry lips 'I should really invest in some chap stick' I thought for a short second before I heard kirogiri saying something about having fun but ignored it and went to my room and laying on my bed in deep thought 'that was intreasting~ can't wait to see what else happens~' 

(A/N): OMG 1.4 K reads!!!!!!!! HOW!? OMG, you guys are amazing! thank you so much for reading and voting on this story I would love to see more comments though! anyway, I hope you're having a good day or night when you read this!!!

P.S. Sorry for the long wait on the updated school and stuff is getting hard I must get good grades especially if I wanna keep my internet lol Shadowstar out! *throws smoke bomb running away*

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