.Dillon The D.

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Billes pov 

I'm too sober for this. I'm a pussy I always have been and probably always will be. I couldn't see her, I couldn't get out of my head enough. All I've done is ruin her life I can't make it worse for her. Dillon is the only one that knows how I really feel about summer. I hated Dillon at first, the worst person I have ever met. 

--flashback-- (WARNING)(DRUGS)

It was sophomore year and I thought I was the shit.  We hadn't been in school to long but of course, I was running late today because I got some bad news. My mom wasn't always a bitch until she recently started seeing this one guy named Frank. I hate him and he hates me so simple, my mom tries to hide the fact that he sells drugs from me but i'm not fucking dumb. All she is to him is his dope whore. My mom is a junkie and will do anything for a little high. She hated drugs in the beginning. I have..had a brother named Aaron. He had one love in his life that nobody could replace.  Heroin. she cried for weeks and weeks,she didn't even go back to work, cook or speak. We ended up homeless until she started seeing this guy who introduced her to pills. She just wanted to feel a little bit of anything he felt. We've been living with him for almost a year sadly.


As I was making myself a bowl of cereal she came in and sat down across from me. I look around, this is unusual. " Hi?" I muttered.

" You know what's going on here Bille." she paused taking out a cigarette and lighting it up. I hated the smoke and I don't know why she even picked up such a nasty habit. " I need you, for the business. You'd do great honey you're my daughter the genes carry on" she winks and ashes her cigarette in a pop can. Could she get any less classy. I know what she wants me to do she wants me to sell drugs be apart of this "group" she needs money and I can help. I may not like this side of her but she's still my mother. "for how long?" I questioned.

" A month or two depends how good you are." she smirked.

" Okay fine." I sighed

She starts getting out a piece of paper and writes down the address.

"Here tell them your my daughter and look for Elijah." 

--( Later on in the flashback)--

After I served my detention I went to the address she sent me to; It's in this nice neighborhood. I walked up to the door and knocked. A blonde haired blue eyed boy opened up the door. Most girls my age would think he's the most beautiful God has ever created. I mean yeah he's cute I guess I just go after girls more than guys. He didn't say anything so I just stood there.

"Yes?" he snarled.

"I'm Renae's daughter." I smiled, he closed the door suddenly. At first I thought he was being rude then he came back.

" Come." he murmured. Damn could he get worse.

I followed him into the very luxurious home. We went downstairs into a separate room, to be honest it looked like a questioning room that cops use with criminals it creeped me out.

"He'll be in,just wait a minute." he rolled his eyes.

"k thanks blondie." I scoffed 

" Listen fuck face don't give me attitude, you're lucky." he sighed then walked out the door leaving me to myself.

I'm sorry I write such short chapters I'll try to do better. This is also unedited so I apologize for that as well. Don't forget to vote pleeeeease.

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