The USJ Incident

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It's time for basic hero training and Mr. Aizwa came in "today we will be going to somewhere on the UA campus go get your costumes on and meet me outside the school building All Might should there too, "so we went to get changed.

(Momo POV)

Were in the changing rooms when a conversation sparks up "Soooooooo Momo are you going out with Midorya," the question came from Mina no no I don't like Izuku "no Mina," she slightly tilted her head and came close to me "pffff come on Momo EVERYONE in this room knows you like him."someone then interjects.

"Yeah, Momo I saw the way you looked when Midorya said he wouldn't be class rep you wanted to spend more time with him right," It's Toru but since sees getting changed I can't see her but then every other girl agrees on how I apparently like Izuku but maybe I do "Soooo."I say starting to blush and I start playing with my fingers " let's say that I do like Izuku d-do you think he would like me." Mina then jumps back.

"WWHAAT, of course, he would I still remember what he acted like when he saw you come through the door, "everyone else just nodded in agreement"Plus what guy wouldn't what to go out with you your drop dead gorgeous plus your assets are quite big also you said Izuku dose that means you guys are like on first name basis." My face grows even redder I appreciate their words but I still have doubts "no no I've never called him Izuku but anyway I don't think Izuku is the kind of person to care about body, "I just get a thumbs up from Mina and we finish getting changed and head out.

(Izuku POV)

I see Momo and the rest of the girls come out I start to blush a bit I'm still not used to Momo's costume. Lida made a big deal about getting on the bus and I had to dodge a few questions about One For All but apart from that it was normal when we got there we saw wait is that it is the space hero 13 awesome 13 starts to talk "Hello everyone and welcome to the Universal Simulation Joint or the USJ," hey were's dad All Might as I wonder I see Aizwa say something to 13and 13 holds up three fingers dad must have used his quirk to much.

A dark misty gate opens up and I see one solemn hand come through it then started to expand and more people came through I hear Kirishima say"hey look even fake villain's,"

Mr. Aizwa holds his hand out to stop anyone from crossing "This is real those aren't fake villains 13 protect the kids," as he says that he puts his goggles on and jumps to take into the fray. A few people say to run but It just wouldn't be right "I'm sorry I can't allow you to run," the man who opened the gate warps over to us 13 tries to protect us but Kacchan and Kirishima try to attack but they go through him. Then in the blink of an eye, I'm somewhere else I look around and see Momo and Jiro and A SWARM Of VILLIANS!

I see Momo and Jiro pull out weapons "you girls ready," I say turning to them I see a nod from each of them I power up to 5% and we start to fight.

(Time skip after the fight sorry I'm lazy)

I look at the two girls "you two okay," they both give me I tired nod "hey we should probably find a way back to the entrance," Jiro then brings up a good point

"yeah that's a good idea and all but how are we supposed to get past the villains," she's right we need to be able to get past the villains I mean can I then start to blush as I have an idea "I-i could car-rry you both and I could get us past the villains, "I can see Momo blush a bit but they both give me a nod."Okay, so Jiro g-get o-on m-my back and I'll carry Yaoyorozu,"

"w-wait w-why should you carry m-me can't you carry Jiro, "she looks at me in desperation "w-well yeah I could but I have already carried you before."I heard Jiro start to laugh but I gave Jiro a piggyback and I picked Momo up bridal style I activated Full Cowling and started to jump from place to place and then I see Mr. Aizwa about to be zipped to shreds and I stop. I put down the girls down "get to the entrance now," I activate 8% without a thought and dash towards the bird looking man.

I power up to 100% in my arm "SMASH" I give the Birdman a full powered punch my arm is broken as the smoke clears I see that I didn't do any damage."Huh that was a very strong punch are you one of All Mights pupil well I suppose it doesn't matter," said a lanky man with hands all over his body "Nomu KILL." then the birdman dashes towards me I begin to run towards him but then before I can do anything I get a punch to the gut and I'm nocked back.

He starts to run back at me to match his punches I have to power up to 100% in both of my arms I match him punch for punch but I don,t seem to be doing anything and with every punch, my arms are getting weaker and weaker, I slide under the Nomus legs and I jump over him and hit him at his brain but still no result. He throws another punch and I do my best to pery it and punch him again as hard as I can but nothing happens and right then I know that I'm used up I start to fall and everything blacks out all I hear is Momo shouting "IZUKU,"

(Momo POV)

Me and Jiro made our way to the entrance with everyone else and I see the Izuku go down against that other guy all I could shout was "IZUKU," just then someone or something burst through the door it was All Might . He stands there with an angry expression he pulls of his tie as he says "DON'T WORRY STUDENTS FOR I AM HERE," without a second to spare he dashes down and hits all the villains on the way he picks up Mr. Aizwa and Izuku he dashes back he gives Mr. Aizwa to Ochoco to levitate. He brings Izuku to me "here I trust that you'll keep him safe I know you care for him," he passes Izuku to me to carry.

(After Nomu Fight sorry again)

The villains are now rushing All Might but after what he just did he will be fine then I feel something push off from my stomach. I see Izuku flying through the air how did he get there why would he I then see him hold his hand up to the villains "DELAWARE SMASH," a gust of wind blows them away he then falls on the floor.

(In Recovery Girls office Izuku's POV)

Me and dad are both lying in beds in Recovery Girls office when we hear a knock on the door "Um excuse me it's Momo I came to see Izuku," as soon as she said that I started to panic she can't see dad in this form then dad starts to whisper to me "Son do you trust her," I think for a moment before replying with"yes with my life." dad just nods and gives Recovery Girl a signal to open the door as soon as it opens Momo runs in and sits at the side of me crying."You idiot why did you do that you could've been killed, "all I could do was smile because this finally makes me feel like a hero.

After a minute she looked up and around to see dad "w-whos that," I start to get nervous but know I trust her right "w-well Yaoyorozu this is All Might," understandably she looked confused and shocked I continue "It's part of his quirk he can only hold this form for a while," after answering a few questions Momo had one more  "SO how do you know all of this Izuku," I didn't think about this what should I say should I "well you see young Midorya is actually my son." dad said in a tone that was to calm  she once again looked even more shocked so we had to answer more questions at the end of it I said "don't repeat anything you heard in this room ,".

She gets up and starts to leave the room and says "Okay but promise me this I-izuku just don't die okay, "I see the worried expression on her face I look at her confidently "I promise Yaoy," she interrupts "call Mo-momo okay Izuku" she says with a smile I give her a slight nod "okay I promise Momo."

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