Chapter 8~

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Chapter 8~

~~~~~Isabell's P~O~V ~~~~

Nathan urges me to run faster towards the arena so we could start training.

"We should be saving our energy for training and tomorrow." I whine to him and slow down.

I know that we had to train and that Sabrina is probably already there but, I needed to conserve my energy for tomorrow night.

I squint to see Sabrina at the arena and run towards her.

"There she is!" I yell to Nathan who's running behind me.

I notice she hadn't brought a weapon.

"Where's your weapon?" Asks Nathan.

She pulls out a weapon and answeres, "At first it's a normal pen but when you uncap," When she uncaps the pen a shining sword take place.

I'm in awe and wish I could get a personalized weapon.

"Cool." I say mesmerised by the sword in her hand.

"Now shall we start training?" Sabrina asks.


I practice my arrows at the dummies around us. I hit the dummy's in the heart almost all the time. This was easy but, then it occurred to me: What if I ran out of arrows?

"Hey, do you have any extra swords?" I ask them.

There are dummies everywhere and I notice that they have a few scratches on their faces, probably from practicing on each other.

"Umm. Here's one I can show you some moves if you want." Someone behind me answers.

I look up and see Alexa, Jem, Jacob, and Will behind me. They had brought their weapons and a bunch of water bottles.

"You don't think we'd let you train alone did you?" Alexa says handing me a silver sword.

"Nah. I knew you'd come." Nathan answers casually.

"Enough chit chat, let's train for the biggest moment of our lives." Commands Will attacking a dummy.

Alexa stands next to me and shows me how to aim and attack. Alexa is a pro, probably because Ares is her father, and knocks out the dummies easily. I have a little trouble though and it takes me a couple minutes to scratch the dummies that are made of rubber and are as hard as human, or half-blood, skin and bones.

"I think you're good enough if there are no bows but, for now practice that." Alexa says with a humorous sparkle in her eyes.

After what seemed like only a few minutes the sun started to set. We cleaned up and laughed about goldfish. I hope that the quest was easy but, then again when is being a demigod easy?


The next day I wake up and grab my bag after breakfast which I was late to. I head out toward the Big House because that's where we're supposed to meet everyone. I see Sabrina leaving her cabin and run to her.

"This is exciting!" I exclaim hugging her.

"I'm so nervous. What if something happens to us?" She asks quietly.

"Nothing will happen. You are strong and feirce. Our quest is to find a freaking Goldfish! Even if something happens you have 6 other people who will help you. From now on we are a team and we won't fail on our first quest." I said trying to reassure her.

"Ok, but it might be a little awkward." She says while we walk to the Big House. "Today is when I was supposed to hang out with Nathan, Will or Jacob."

"Oh it will only make it easier for you." Alexa says from behind us.

"How long have you been here?" I ask.

"Long enough to know that they all like you, Sabrina. That will make them fight harder and be nicer to you. As for you, Isabell, since you are her best friend they will try to make them "approve" or whatever. For me, well, like I said before I'm good with these things." Alexa says winking and squeezing between Sabrina and me.

"You think so?" Asks Sabrina with curiousity.

"I know so." Alexa answers.

We had reached the Big House just then and walked in. Everyone else was already there. That is weird because I know we were early.

"Thank the gods you came." Chiron exclaimed. "You kids need to go now. The titans have gotten closer to the Goldfish. Get some food and head up to Camp Half blood hill. You need to go now." Chiron said rushing us towards the hill.

Just as I stepped through the hill I felt a pang of longing to be there. Because as we all stepped through we all knew that this was it, we are all on our own now.


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