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Tyler sat and stared out of the window at the chaos unfolding outside. The weather was never good in Dema but ever since Josh had left things were worse.

The wind rattled the thin window frame and stones thrown up from the wind began to take shards of glass out of the window. Still tyler didn't blink. His eyes were transfixed on the hills. The hills he watched as his best friend clamber up to escape. Tyler didn't make it that time, or any time in fact. He was still stuck in Dema being forced to obey to even the smallest of commands.

The time on Tyler's small alarm clock read 6:20. Time to go. Tyler walked over to the rusty bed, reached underneath and pulled out a rust covered metal box and a forest green back pack. He opens up the box to reveal his most treasured items. Things the bishops could never take away if he hid them well enough. These items consisted of a red Beanie with a black skull embroidered on the left side, a pair of white circle sunglasses and a dying yellow sunflower that josh had thrown him when blurry-face caught him. He stared at the shrivelled petals and remembered josh and all the good times they had together.

"I will see him soon" Tyler whispered under his breath as he carefully placed the items in his bag as if they were precious artefacts. Tyler took a glance out of the window, when he had to look twice. There was a vulture sat on the building opposite his. How could a vulture with stand these winds Tyler thought but the question soon left his mind for he was too busy to think.

Tyler heard the lock on his door jolt signifying the start of his free time. Tyler wasn't allowed to be free like everyone else, this was because the bishops decided he was too dangerous to have around the others, it was his thoughts that did it the very fact that he knew there was such a place as Trench made him dangerous.

He gingerly opened the door a crack and peaked out to see if anyone was there. No one. Well of course there would be no one, they would all be at the ceremony by now. Tyler creeped out the door and looked up. In the dark corridor there were several hanging lights that swung side to side as the wind blew against the building. Tyler took a last look in his room and remembered he may well need a coat. Once his coat was on he started to venture down the hall towards the two iron doors at the end. The creaking of the building worried Tyler he always thought it was going to fall down crushing and killing him.

When he reached the doors he gathered all his strength and pushed up against the door. It wouldn't budge. So he took a few paces back and ran straight at the door this time it opened enough just to get a person through

He was out.

The burning trees // twentyonepilots Where stories live. Discover now