The spark

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Tyler leapt up from his hard wooden chair.
"JOSH!" He screamed at the top of his voice pressing his face up against the window.
"Is it really you?" He whispered in a hopeful tone. Was it really him? Well who else would be on the mountain? He then realised he had to warn the siblings, but how? He didn't know anything about them.
Tyler thought for a second "Orphans! They are orphans" He soon realised remembering the conversation they had over a month ago.
All the orphans in Dema were looked after in one block. Block 27

He soon realised what he had to do. But how would he get into the block. not one of the staff would allow him in...the metal on metal sounds began again. "Well I guess I'm going now" Tyler said confidently but he knew he was not confident, he knew that taking children with him was a huge risk. He would need one bottle of gasoline and a long piece of rope

Tyler walked out of his cell into the corridor and turned left and right down the many boring concrete halls the people of Dema had to live with everyday. He soon reached the school. It was closed. But he had to sneak his way through to get to the children.

He began to wind through the hundreds of desks that lined one huge hall, that was a little bit decorated. However only with pictures of each bishop lining the walls. With a few portraits that the kids had drawn of them.

He was pretty much at the end of the hall now when he stopped in his tracks. A small metal box was in front of him. This was where he was "educated" this was where his meaningless life began. In a small metal box where he would sit and be forced to learn facts about Dema for 12 hours a day. (The other kids only got 9 but Nico always thought Tyler needed more) he wanted to go inside. There was something pulling him towards the metal box something telling him to get In.
He soon snapped him self out of it realising if he was caught it would mean he was on the missing list.

He marched through the rows of desks and towards the steal doors which lead to block 27. They were rusty which two small windows at the top with the word Orphans written on the door.

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