The scramble

21 1 0

Tyler paused to consider how he would be able to get all three of them over the fence safely. It was easier when it was just him he thought to himself slightly regretting his decision.
"Hold onto the fence!" Tyler practically screamed at the kids it had taken them about 1 hour to get to the fence. Let's hope the bishops haven't realised Tyler thought doubt filling his mind.
Tyler made his way along the fence trying to find the small cut in the wire he had made to make the scratches from the sharp wire bearable. The children followed him only just being able to see, their eyes were half closed due to the wind and rain that was hitting them like a thousand daggers stabbing into their backs. Amy was practically frozen. Tyler noticed this and quickly handed her his coat. He knew he could survive without it.
He snatched the rope off of jack and ordered him to go over the fence first. Jack scaled the fence with Tyler practically pushing him over it when he was at the top.
Tyler then grabbed Amy around the waste and began to help her scale the fence pushing her up too
"Your going to need to catch her when I lower her down to you!" Tyler shouted at the small boy who looked scared out of his mind as his tiny sister climbed the fence Tyler not far behind her. Tyler lowered her down the other side of the fence into her brothers arms.
"Get moving I will catch up" Tyler called to them as he scrambled his way over the top of the fence. He could see the children struggling to walk holding onto each other as they went. Tyler quickly managed to catch up to them shielding the small girl from the elements. Tyler knew one of them wasn't going to make it he should have left them where they were they would have been better off.

The three trudged through the thick mud of the marsh lands that surrounded Dema. There feet becoming heavy with each step being weighed down by more mud that would attach to there feet. The kids were defiantly not wearing the right foot wear for this. Tyler thought his mind kept thinking about the content lives they could have lived in Dema they could have gone on to have a relatively comfortable life. But as soon as they walked outside that all changed. They would be a danger for the rest of the complex from that moment on.

Tyler finally looked up from his mud covered boots in an attempt to see what was in front of them. The rain pounded his face and it was very hard to see but he could make out the slight outline of the slope and the cliffs. The thoughts of what could happen to him began to fill his mind again.

"Hey" Tyler paused to think about how to word what he was about to say to the kids. They both looked up at him with such hope.
"If something happens to me" he continued
"You need to try and get to that cliff, once you have gone up the slope walk in a relatively straight line through the sunflowers. Head for the trees." Tyler paused again wondering what to say next is this giving them too much hope. That they would be able to do it on there own.
"Once in the forest you will eventually reach burned trees it will look like there is white soot all over the floor just ignore that and find the biggest tree that is still alive, pour the oil on it and set on fire with these matches" Tyler lifted up the matches in front of jacks face and placed them in Amy's coat pocket. He thought it would be better for her to have them as if something did happen to him, he didn't want them to have to take the matches off of him.
"You will also need to shout at the top of your lungs sahlo folina. It's the call the banditoes use when in distress, I saw one up there before we left I think it was my friend tell him that I Tyler sent you he should be able to help you up with the rope" tyler looked up again they were now at the base of the slope. 'This is going to be tricky'Tyler thought to him self  he wanted to get the children up there first and then him to follow but jack was defiantly too weak to pull up Amy and Amy was too week to get up there herself.
"Ok so" Tyler began getting the kids attention
"This is how it's going to work. I'm going to climb up there with the rope and then I will send the rope down and will pull Amy up first. You will need to help me out by trying to grab the rocks to pull your self up but don't worry cause I will have you the whole time" Tyler said with a slight smile trying  to reassure the young girl who looked absolutely terrified.
Tyler put out his hand to take the rope from jack. It was soaked.
"Dam why didn't I think about that" Tyler muttered under his breath
"What did u say" Amy managed to get out of her mouth still fear shook her body's more than the wind seemed too.
Tyler looked at her again with a smile.
"Nothing I was just muttering" he paused
"I do that a lot don't worry about it"
Amy nodded her head and stepped towards her brother for comfort as Tyler unraveled the rope as quickly as possible.
"Ok come here" Tyler gestured for the two children to come and from a small huddle with him. He was surprised at this point that the bishops hadn't come looking for them yet. But then again they would have to reverse the weather that they had created making it easier for the banditos to come back, but more importantly easier for them to leave.
Tyler wrapped one end of the rope around the girls waist and the other around his writs. It was only a precaution to be sure he didn't drop the rope on the way up the incline.
"Ok you two stand her as I go up" Tyler said tightening the rope around his writs making sure it was secure.
'Ok' he thought to him self
"3,2,1 GO" he shouted his battle cry as he scrambled up the slope mud and ricks slipping away from under him. On his hand and knees he finally made it too the top. "Thank god for that" tyler said with a sigh of relief, he had made it up with the rope and everything at this point he was feeling very proud of himself but refused to show it. He was desperate not to give the kids any more hope than they already had.
"Ok now attempt to do that, come up on your hands and knees , I will pull you. Got it ?" Tyler shouted down to the children who stood there in awe of what they just whitenessed but they also understood that this was possibly the easiest part of the journey and that there were more difficulties they would face along the way.

Writers note : hey guys I hope your are enjoying this so far. Sorry it's all uploaded far apart I need to be In a certain mindset to write this. Anyway thought I would update tonight being as I get my GCSE exam results tommorw and get to see how this story got marked will update on here after tommorw but for now I really need to sleep and am going to leave it there for today

||-// stay alive, it's worth it
Update on the whole gcse thing
I failed English language which was what I wrote this for so I guess my writing actually is awful
Will still be posting the last of this on here tho

The burning trees // twentyonepilots Where stories live. Discover now