The start

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Tyler speed walked to his room at almost a running pace. The children lagged behind him.
Eventually They reached the room that he had called home for the past 14 years. Maybe he would make it out this time? Maybe. This thought played over and over again in his head. However the pictures of the night when he lost josh also did.
If he failed this time he wouldn't just be sent back to his room, he would have been killed on the spot. Leaving the children alone with no hope being dragged back to Dema to repeat Tyler's history.
"We have to make it" Tyler whispered as he pushed hard against the iron door that sealed his room.
He burst in falling to the floor. He pulled the children in by there bland grey jumpers. Tyler then began the ritual with his artefacts this time however more hastily than the last, as his doors would lock in 30 minuets. the children and Tyler had to be at least at the base of the cliff by then so that the bishops couldn't catch up.
He grabbed the usual, backpack,glasses,Benie and flower. This time though he took his small alarm clock just so that he could make good time on the journey
The children started to become concerned about Tyler he was pacing around like a cadged animal
"Are you ok?" The girl finally asked.
"Yea yea, fine" Tyler whispered thoughts of josh began to fill his mind again.
"You got the stuff?" The children nodded with excited faces but yet they were still terrified underneath.
"Best be off then" Tyler whispered muttering about josh under his breath.
"Before we leave what are your names. I Never asked" Tyler said this rather glumly, he wished he hadn't said it if he knew he could get attached even though he was already.
"Im Amy and this is Jack" the girl said proudly. She was more confident than both the boys not realising the true horror of the cliff. Jack could imagine it. Tyler knew it.
"There's no guarantee that we are going to make it you know"he paused carefully planning what he was going to say "we could end up dead...or I will be dead and you will be brought back to live in confinement" Tyler said staring at his feet. His leather combat boots were all ready covered in mud and were extremely worn from the many times he had taken this trip
The kids helped Tyler open the steel door to the outside.

"Hold on!" Shouted Tyler Motioning to the hand rail of the steps. They obeyed knowing they should do everything that he tells them to. It could possibly save there lives. They all struggled down the steps of the concrete building.
"What is this!" Shouted Jack who had just realised that he and his sister had never been outside in there life. Even when the weather was good.
They pressed on Tyler knew if they stopped walking the kids would be blown away. Soon they reached the city limits. The barbed wire fence laughing at them telling them to turn back.

The burning trees // twentyonepilots Where stories live. Discover now