Chapter 1

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3rd Person P.O.V

America hummed happily. It was July 3rd. One more day until the most beloved day for any American, 4th of July! Kids were out of school, summer is beginning. Yes, it was the best time to be alive!

As America walked over to the T.V., he received a text from Texas.

Texas-Toast: Cali is having another fire issue, he should be calling you in a second.

Just like Texas had predicted, Cali called America. ''DAD!!! HELP. IT HURTSSSS!!!!" He screamed. America heard whimpers from the state and felt his heart tighten. He hated it when one of his states were hurt.

"Cali...just hang on there. You know that summer is coming which means heat..." America said soothingly. "I know its, it's hot here. And I know Texas and Nevada are really hot too hurts dad" Cali responded.

"I want you to take it easy okay? After all, you know what tomorrow is!" America said cheerfully, trying to lift the mood. Cali smiled on the other end. "Yeah, I know. I have to go dad...I'll try making it to the lunch thing." He said. America nodded, even if the other couldn't see him. "Okay, get well."

America sighed. His states were his everything. He hates hearing or seeing them like this. He considered calling one of the nations to help with his states but stopped. The reason he didn't want other countries to know about the states was because they could easily target them. America didn't want that.

Of course, being his neighbors, Canada and Mexico had found out. Canada had seen Alaska and Mexico had seen Texas. Still, they had managed to keep it a secret.

America kind of snapped out of a daze and just flopped onto the bed. He thought about England, "Well...I wonder how he's going to take it" America muttered.

Sometimes he did miss being England's colony, but England had treated him horribly. He could of died. Plus, America also wanted to grow big and strong so he could be right beside England. For every step of the way.

England was a good big brother, sometimes a father. America got another text from an unknown person.

Unknown: Sir, this is one of your secret agents. Some hackers from America have hacked into the World meeting chat group. The thing is, you are not apart of it. We think it's best if you take a look at it. We've sent a link in your email. We've made sure not a single county will know. Please delete this message after you've read it.

America scrunched up his face. A group chat in which he wasn't invited to? He was hurt, in a way. Anyway, he responded with an 'ok', and deleted the message.

He did what the agent asked and sure enough, there was a link to that group chat. He clicked it and it seemed to be on an entirely new website, one America has never heard of before. There were currently a couple of countries on and were conversing with each other.

Germany: So, is this set up?

England: Yes, everyone except Canada, Prussia, Russia, and France are not here.

China: What about America?

England: Him too.

America stood there, shocked. They purposely removed them. He got angry and found out he could type in the chat. He was about to say a LOT of things but stopped. That'd obviously blow his cover.

Italy: Ve~, Germany, is this really okay?

Germany: Well, a lot of countries are having a hard time with America

Germany: This is the only space we can rant about it.

He looked away from his computer's screen. I thought I was useful? And good company to be around? He looked back at it to continue reading.

Spain: Si. He has become too annoying lately. He always says childish ideas.

Romano: Exactly. That cheeseburger loving bastard won't shut up. It would be okay if it were smart ideas. He's just stupid.

Italy: Fratello, that's mean!

Romano: It's true!

Japan: I do not think this chat is needed. America-san is fine. If you have a problem, you could have just brought it up with him.

Germany: But Prussia told me if we had a problem with someone, it would hurt them if we said anything.

England: Exactly. We can just rant about it here. It's harmless.

America closed the tab and looked at his hands. The urge...the urge to self-harm was there. He hadn't done that since the Great Depression. The over-whelming sadness during that period was a lot. No...I'm stronger than that...

He shook his head and decided crying about it was a better idea than self-harm. As he wiped away tears, he thought about it. Does that mean... since they didn't add Canada, France, Prussia, and Russia... they don't hate me? See, I'm good company...

Yeah, America could pull through. Plus, he couldn't care less about what other countries thought of him. He has smart ideas...just he doesn't present them. I mean, I wouldn't have my independence if I was stupid...

America smiled a bit. He shouldn't feel sad. He got up and grabbed his keys. He had a lot of preparation to do for the Fourth of July after all.

Ehhhh, what's up??? It's been a week since I've updated anything right? I don't know, I forgot. Anyway, I am literally obsessed with America, so this book is about him! If you want me to do another book later on about another character, just ask!

Anywho, I hope this book isn't complete trash. Until next update~!

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