Chapter 3

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I have decided its best if this is NOT a continuation of my first book. Im not exactly sure that I put my best efforts in that one so I'm trying my best here.

3rd Person P.O.V

America was knocked out until the next morning. He just really, really needed sleep. Plus, a Hero isn't tired on his independence day!

America's plan was to get up, greet the other states, and start setting up the tables in the backyard and make sure the pool was ready.

However, it was not his plan to have some countries visting.

When America did wake up, he was greeted by a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. She had a sun-kissed type complexion and was looking at him with a goofy grin.

"What up Pops?" She said cheerfully. America smiled and opened his arms up for a hug, which the girl gladly agreed to.

"Cali, it's been a while! Where are the other western states?" He asked.

"We came around midnight because Texas had to just rush us. Anyway, most of us are still asleep except the 13." Cali chipped.

America nodded, knowing that sounded like Texas. "Hey, can you set up the pool and backyard area for me? Take Maryland if you want." He asked.

Cali laughed and nodded, bouncing away. She headed to one of the closest rooms from America's to find a girl with light brown hair and glasses. She was wearing an old fashioned dress that looked similar to a stereotypical pilgram.

"Hey Mary~, Pops said that we can set up the backyard! Can you come?" Cali asked. Maryland closed the book she was reading and nodded.


Cali and Maryland made a strangely good combo. They got everything done in an hour. Ten rows of tables, each being able to fit ten states. Then, there was one table in the middle of all the rest, the one for America!

The pool was pretty large so the two had put at least twenty floaties. Then, there was a Tiki bar that only had Sodas, water, juice, and stuff like that.

Though, infamous for sneaking in wine, Cali had a chest underneath another chest filled with Wine. Fresh from the Vineyard.

Everything was colored accordingly, red, white, and blue. "I think we've done a good job, wouldn't you think so?" Maryland asked, wiping a bit of sweat of her face.

Cali nodded quickly. "Yeah! It looks better than when a certain state had to decorate last year." Maryland smiled a little. "Yes...that's true."

"Cal, ya done fixin' everything?" A voice with a southeen accent calls out. A boy with brown hair, blue eyes and glasses comes out wearing a cowboy hat with a star in the middle. "Yea Texay, what do you think?" Cali asks.

Texas looks at everything and winks at California. "Good job little sis. And thanks Maryland for making sure this one doesn't get out of hand." Texas says ruffling Cali's hair.

Cali grins and hear the doorbell ring. "I thought you had brought everyone?" Maryland asks. Texas and California look at each other. "We did...didn't we?" Cali asked slowly.

Texas shrugged and went to open the door with Maryland and California close behind. It rang again and Texas grumbled, "I'm comin', I'm comin'."

He opened the door to reveal the F.A.C.E family (minus America), Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Romano, Spain, and Prussia.

"Ve~ I don't recognize you, are you Alfred's maid?" Italy questioned, tilting his head. Canada's eyes widened but went unnoticed by anyone except the panicking states.

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