Chapter Four

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I don't know if you've noticed but California is the one I write about the most. It's probably cause I live in Cali so I have a better idea of how people are here. Don't worry! I'll get to another state next chapter. 

3rd Person P.O.V

The countries obviously didn't listen to the young state. 

"What has the bloody wanker not been telling me?!?"

"Ohohohoho, how were you conceived, mon amour?"

"This is interesting, Da?"

"This doesn't explain everything though, Aru!"

Canada had enough, seeing that California was getting a bit shy and overwhelmed. It's not that she's not to use to people screaming at her, it's just different when those people are countries. 

"Can you all just shut your maple leaf traps?! You'd understand everything if you'd just pay attention to someone other than yourselves!" Canada yelled. All of the countries shut up, scared of Canada. He doesn't yell that loud unless he's lost a Hockey game to a different country. 

"You can continue, Cali," Canada said, returning to his soft-sounding voice. California gave a golden smile. "Thanks, Canada," She turned to the countries with weary eyes. "Uh...okay, so um, yeah I'm California, as I've said. I was conceived, you'd have to ask Dad, I mean, America, about that." She said, fumbling over words.

She took a breath and continued. "Anyway, you'd all have to follow me to a room where I can tell all of the states to meet up and we can take it from there, sound good?" She asked. No one said anything but Canada who just nodded. 

"Okay, follow me."

California had led them to the room she was just in. The countries looked at the room in detail. There was a seat in the middle and in front of it was a panel with multiple buttons. Too many to count. The last thing there was a microphone, connected to the ceiling. Cali unmuted every room, pressed a button, and began talking into the Mic.

"Heya, me California again. So...The Guest room number 2 had my baby photo in there with my name and all so...the countries figured it out. Can you all go into the backyard? Mary and I set up some chairs but because of the extra visitors, find some more, yeah? Anyway, I want the 13 as far from England as possible. I doubt Dad wants some murders in his house. So, I'ma bring them outside."

California sighed. I wonder how this is all going to turn out. This was supposed to be a fun day...

"So, let's go outside! You'll love most of us! Just make sure you have your eye on England, some of the 13 won't take too kindly to him.'' California chirped, some of her nervousness disappearing because she was going to be near the safety of her older brothers and sisters. England on the other hand only had his nervousness rise. 

California arrived in the backyard with the rest of the countries to see everyone was there, waiting. America smiled weakly at California. She went to be hugged in his arms, genuinely scared of the countries. "You did good Cali! Why don't you go with your brothers and sisters?" He suggested, putting on a fake smile.

America thought it was foolish, but he wasn't exactly calm with the countries here. He wants to make sure his states are safe, and with the countries here, they could easily kidnap one of them. California noticed this. The only actor she knew that was better than her was her dad, America. Nevertheless, California nodded and his suggestion and went over to Nevada and Texas. 

"So are you going to explain why you have 50 bloody kids here!?" England raged, pointing at the states. "Well, you see... when some of the older countries came to my land and settled there for a while, their people left certain cultures and whatnot. The states become personified by joining me after I had won the war. Similar to us, they embody their state. That's to put it simply." America explained, rubbing his neck. 

"And why have we only just heard about this? We should have known, Da?" Russia asked eerily. "That's cause' you don't have to know. Shoot, you weren't supposed to know 'bout us!" Texas shouted from the rows of sitting states. California and Nevada nudged Texas to just shut up. 

"Why shouldn't we know, Aru?!" China fired back. "That's because we don't trust you. Simple as that." Alaska said coldly, looking very similar to Russia now. 

"Yes but this is too big of a secret," Germany said, feeling like he was going to get a headache soon. "Yeah, you American bastards," Romano muttered. Spain looked at Romano with a worried look. "Lovi, we're in their casa, we should show them respect!" Romano rolled his eyes in response. 

Some states already did like the countries but stayed silent. "Look, I'm really sorry. I was going to tell you all one day, just not now." America said. "Plus, that doesn't matter now. Do you guys want to stay and meet them all or...?"

The countries moved away, beginning to discuss what to do next. " is information we can use." Germany started off, talking as low as he could. "But that is an invasion in Mr. America's privacy." Japan countered. "Let's just meet them all. It's the least the bloody American's can do." England muttered. "Yes~! There pretty girls!" Italy said dreamily. "Then it is decided then, Da?" Russia asked. China nodded. 

"We'll stay to meet the states," Canada said softly. The states beamed at their Uncle and he smiled back. "Okay, then I guess we'll start with my youngest and go from there!" America said happily. "Hawaii, come here!" America shouted. 

A young girl shyly sat up. She had dark skin, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She wore a Blue top with a skirt adorned with flowers, as well as some in her hair. "Hi! I'm Hawaii. Or Leia Jones! Nice to meet you!" She said, walking over to shake hands with the other countries. China was slightly amazed that a western part of the world was actually polite. Hawaii sat down after she had shaken everyone's hand.

Alaska stood up next, not needing to be introduced. "Hi, I'm Alaska or known as Ally Jones. I'm the largest state!" She said proudly. Texas chuckled, knowing that was her pride. She did the same as Hawaii but hesitated on Russia. He sold me...was useless? She thought. She dismissed the thought and gave Russia a hug, then quickly left. Russia was surprised not mad. 

"I'm Arizona or Emily Jones!" A girl which looked like a Native American said. In fact, she wore the clothes of a Native American but had blue, white, and red flowers around her. 

"Excuse me, but I think you forgot to shake our hands," England said when he noticed the state not getting up. Arizona's eyes glinted with fury. "Excuse me, but I think you forgot that most of you killed a lot of Native Americans. So, if you'd be so kind as to go fuc-" She started but California cut her off. "Heh, yeah, Arizona is not exactly forgetting what happened, why don't you go, Noah?" 

Noah shrugged and got up. He looked similar to Arizona, he just wore an olive shirt with a green shawl. "I'm Noah Jones, New Mexico. Not Mexico, mind you." He added. He hated getting confused. Spain's eyes lit up. "Wow, te pareces a lo que imaginé que serías." New Mexico looked away. "Hm..."

I'm so so sorry, I recently got sick and my head hurt like all 50 states just got their periods. Anyway, I'm going to be updating every Sunday with a long chapter. I hope that's okay. I'm still recovering from sickness so that's why I didn't post this chapter sooner today. Hope I can have your forgiveness. Until next Sunday!

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