Chapter Four

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(Sofia's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my mom's voice, telling me to get up. Oops. I forgot to put on my alarm. I can't be late for school! I got of the bed and picked up my phone from my dresser. I checked my instagram, and then ran out to the bathroom.


I went back to my room to change my clothes. Good thing I picked my clothes out last night, if I didn't, I would still be sitting here trying on clothes. I picked out my new light blue ripped jeans with a black floral tank top. I added my converse and a little mascara and lip gloss. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and slipped my phone into my pocket. I went downstairs and saw mom making chocolate chip pancakes. Mhmm! I took the orange juice out of the fridge and poured it in a small glass. Mom put my food into a plate and I started to eat.


Mom pulled up into the school's parking lot. I am so nervous. What if no one likes me? What if I make no friends? Mom must've noticed I was nervous, because she said:

"Sof, everything is going to be fine. You'll make new friends, don't worry." She said, calming me down a bit.

"Ok, thanks mom. Love you, bye!" I shouted, almost near the front doors of the school.

"Love you too!" She said.

I pushed open the double doors and walked in. This is it, better not do anything stupid, I thought to myself. When I walked in, I went to the office to pick up my schedule. I told the lady at the front desk my name, and she gave it to me. I thanked her and quickly went to my new locker. All the books I needed for each class were already in the locker. Some people in the hallways were staring at me. I just pretended I didn't notice and focused on my schedule. I looked at my schedule to see what class I had first. Math! Yay! Math is my favorite subject. I also looked at what electives I had. Chorus, Spanish, and PE. Yes! I kinda have a hidden talent, which is singing. I'm not the best singer, but I guess I'm pretty good. And for Spanish, I am Puerto Rican,so I know how to speak Spanish fluently. As for PE, oh, forget it! Ugh.. I can barely even do a correct push up. The school bell rang, which means I have 5 minutes to get to class. I sighed and looked for room 714, which is math class. I must have not been paying attention, because I bumped into something hard.

Ouch. That hurt. I rubbed my head and got up to get my books, which by the way, had fallen on the ground. I reached down to pick up my books, but was interrupted by someone picking them up for me. I looked up and saw a girl. She had green eyes and light brown hair. She was really pretty. She had light skin and was about the same height as me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you o--" She said, but I cut her off.

"It's fine, really, I should watch where I'm going." I said, with a reassuring smile.

She returned the smile and said, "My name is Violet, i don't think I've seen you around here before." She said.

"Ummm... yeah.. I'm new here. My name is Sofia Hernandez." I said, kind of nervous.

"Oh that's so cool! We could be besties!!!" She said, excitedly.

"Ermmm... Ok.. I guess so.." I said. Ugh.. Why do I always have to be so awkward?!

"Do you need help finding a class?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm looking for room 714." I said.

"Hey, that's my first period as well. Come on, I'll show you where it is!" She said. She seems really nice, and she has a pretty name. I hope we can become friends soon. I don't want to be a loner.

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I hadn't realized we were already at the classroom door. She opened the door and motioned for me to come in. There weren't many people in the classroom yet, so I guess I'm not late! Soon, people started to come into the classroom. I sat down at a desk next to Violet. People kept looking at me like I was an alien or something. Gosh. I hate being looked at by people, it made me feel insecure. The teacher finally came into the classroom and she sat at her desk. She looked around for a minute, and then stopped when she spotted me. She shot me a welcoming smile. I just smiled back.

"Class, we have a new student, her name is Sofia Hernandez. She just moved here from Florida, am I right?" She asked me. I was too nervous to say anything, so I just nodded my head. I hate when teachers do that. I looked around the classroom and saw some people smiling at me, and then I saw these group of boys in the back of the class. They smirked at me, and some whistled. Wait until they find out I'm a goody two shoes, I'm sure they will tease me. At least, that's what happened in my old school. The teacher ignored the boys, and continued talking to me.

"My name is Mrs. Perez, if you need help with anything just let me know." She said. I finally decided to talk.

"Ok thank you." I said.

She smiled at me and went to the board. She started to write the assignment down on the board. I saw a poster hanging on the wall. It

said: Uncompleted classwork is homework. I opened my textbook and took out a pencil and paper, ready to get to work.


I finished my classwork in about 5 minutes. That was so easy! I went up to Mrs. Perez and handed her my paper. She looked kinda shocked, but then she smiled. I went back to my desk and sat down. Why did she look shocked? Maybe because, nobody else is done yet. I looked around to my right to see Violet smiling at me, then she got up, gave the teacher her paper, and sat back down. I took out a book to kill some time. Soon, more people started to hand in their papers. Then the bell rang. I put everything into my backpack and walked out of the class. I saw Violet in the hallway. I ran up to her, and she greeted me.

"Hey, what class do you have next? She asked.

"Uhhh... History." I said, looking up from my schedule.

"Cool, me too!" She said.

We both walked to class together and talked a little bit. When we got in, some people were already in the class. I sat at a empty seat in the back. The teacher stood up from his desk. Then he cleared his throat, as if to say, 'shut up or you'll have detention.' But nobody seemed to notice, so they just kept chattering away. Of course, I was quiet, so was Violet. He looked so strict. He started to talk.

"Quiet down!" He shouted. The class stopped talking and looked at him.

"We have a new student today, her name is Sofia Hernandez. Hopefully, she's not like all of you." He said, pointing to some kids. Ouch. He's mean.

He turned to me, and said, "And Ms. Hernandez, I except you to pay attention in class and do all your work." He said.

"Of course, sir." I said. I didn't know his name. He could've at least introduced himself to me. I don't really like this teacher. Oh well. I looked at my schedule and saw his name. Mr. Dickens. Haha. Me and my dirty mind. I kept my laugh in and did my classwork. When I was done, I gave Mr. Dickens my paper. The bell rang. I stuffed my pencil in my bag and rushed out the classroom. What? One, I hate this class, and two, its lunch time! I am starving!  I went to the cafeteria and saw Violet. She waved her hand at me, to come. I went to her table and sat down. We both took out our lunch boxes. We began to eat. We talked and laughed a little. I could tell we will become good friends.

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