Chapter 7

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I walked upstairs at the balcony. I looked down at the crowd of people. The entire place was packed with vampires and it didnt bother me anymore. And a few humans scattered around like a toy latched to their masters.

I searched for Braeden. He was still talking with those girls. I sighed. Was I jealous? No.

I stared down at my hands that rested on the railings. I rubbed my shoulder but then my hair shot loose.

Why oh why did it have to happen now? Didn't Anna know to put alot of bobby pins in it.

I took out the other pins and let my hair in a stylish bun.

I leaned against a pillar. And touched the two bite marks. I smiled at it for some reason.

I looked back into the crowd and found him staring up at me. But with wonder.

I looked away from him back onto my hand. I felt soo hot in here. I just didn't know what to do.

I saw him move up the stairs and soon found him walking towards me.

I eye'd him in a tux. He looked rather handsome.

He used his vampire speed. And was up close to me in a second. I gasped at our closeness.

I studied him, trying to figure out what his next move was.

His hand that rested on my waiste was now trailing up and down my spine with his index and middle finger.

I stared down at his lips. But looked away down at the crowd that was now starring at us.

I looked at Braeden and leaned in his ear. "Why are they starring at us?".

"Because you are their next queen. They expect me to bite you infront of them without you resisting me". He whispered back.

"Won't my blood taunt them?".

"Not while Im here. They cant go against my will, or command nor my fathers" he said back.

I moved my head to face him. The two curls dangling infront of my eyes. He moved them and tucked it behind my ear gently. He traced his finger down my jaw and to my chin.

His thumb rubbing over my bottom lip. I exhaled loudly. I didn't even notice that I held my breath.

I put my hands around his neck.

He told me about the ballroom customs. Whenever there's a human of the King's liking he must drink from her and if she resists they should go against her by killing her. I wasn't ready to die yet. Not without that bite anyways.

I leaned my head in the crook of his neck. Then titled my neck for him to do what he had to do.

I sighed as he punctured my skin. The feeling of fire and then pleasure rushed through me. But it was quick.

He pulled back and looked up st me with blood around his mouth.

He used a piece of cloth and cleaned it from his mouth and corners of his lips.

He went back and kissed the rest of the blood away.

I lifted my head straight again. He leaned in to kiss me. My heart started to beat faster against my rib cage.

Why was he doing this infront of people. He just gave me the look of disgust yesterday. And he was pissed at me a few moments ago.

His lips brushed against mine. I didn't move. He was the one who kissed me full on. I didn't do as much but move and inch. My eyes fell closed enjoying the so called tender moment right now. When he pulled away I lowered my head with my eyes still closed.

Everyone went about their business.

He gave that disgusted look again and I looked away from him. Im not that ugly am I? Am I insecure? I donxt exactly know but why does he look at me with such love and then pure hatred or disgust.

"Why do you do that?". I asked.

"Do what?". He asked frowning.

"Do you hate my kind that much that you have to look at me with disgust? I never looked at you that way. I haven't been with anyone before and I wish I was but when Im on thr verge or brink of going there I think of you". I said trying to see what his reaction would be.

"You're still too childish Octavia". he said with a blank look so that I can't read his face.


"Oh, I didn't expect that answer. Sorry for even bothering to ask you". I said trying to pull out of his grip but he tightened it.

I didn't resist I just threw my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. People were looking and I knew If I made him look bad he'll punish me.

He took in my scent and relaxed his grip on me. I sighed and closed my eyes. My hair came out of the bun. Flowing down my back.

He stroked my hair and said "You have beautiful thick and shiny hair".

I frowned at his compliment. "Thanks and you're not so bad yourself".

He let go of me and I stood on my own again.

The night has proceeded and I didn't have fun at all because I had to stay focused on not looking at males or whatever.

I got a drink and a couple more to get myself drunk. I didn't become chatty. It had a different affect on me. Instead of being talkative I clamp up. Shut people out.

We got back to The castle and I immediately walked very fun. I fell but Braeden caught me.

I began to laugh. "Your brother is very... what do I call him? No offence but to me he's Fugly. And you're... ". I stopped to stare ar him his hands still holding me steady. "You're handsome and an asshole towards me. Why can't you be nice to me like those other people? You're always mean and It sometimes pisses me off". I mumbled to myself but I knew he was listening to every every coming out of my mouth.

I used the alcohol to finally tell him what I think of him. "Do you hate me the way I think you do?".

He didnt answer me. "Did you really grow bitter and depressed when I left?".

He yanked my arm towards the castle doors. "Hey ! Ow... you know I have sensitive skin!". I shouted at him.

The moment we were inside.

Then It hit me. Butch my dog hasn't been taken care of. I watched Braeden disappear into his study... I sobered up. I wasn't really that drunk.

I slipped back out the door.

I ran as fast as I could. I took off my heels because all that would do it slow me down.

I ran and ran until I came to my appartment. I took out my keys from my secret hideout and opened the door.

Butch hopped up from the couch. He looked thin and frail. I felt guilty.

He ran towards me but stopped and started gnarling at the door. I locked the door and went to get his food and water.

I took the time to find some of my stuff. My room is way better than that basement back in the castle. I have pictures of all the places I've been to in over the past four years. Friends and aquaintences I made along the way.

There was one innocent picture of me that had me looking over at the sea in deep thought.

I took the picture down and put it in my duffelbag. I lay down on my bed and Butch came and jumped all over me. Whimpering as a sign he missed my touch.

"There's a good boy Butch. I missed you.. ". the door came flying off it's hinges. Butch stood infront of me in an protective stance. Growling at whoever was at the door.

I looked up and saw Braeden with his eyes seriously pissed and black all over. He looked at Butch.

"Butch its okay, shhh... Stay". I ordered him. He immediately backed down. I smiled at him "Good boy". I rubbed his belly.

I looked up at Braeden. His look still didn't change.

I huffed and looked back at Butch. But that was surely a mistake.

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