Chapter 6

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Shake. shake,shake, shake, shake.

I groaned at whoever it was.

I opened my eyes to look at Anna. She smiled at me. I pulled the blanket over my face.

"Let me sleep some more please... ". i said groaning.

She walked away from me. I sighed and slowly drifted back to sleep.


I shot upright. I was drenched in water. I looked at Anna. She was grinning at me like a mad woman.

"Good you're up. It's time for you to get ready you slept in. Its 4 already".

She said neatly putting the bucket down.

I huffed but my hands were in the air. Still feeling cold. I got up slowly.

She took me upstairs to the bathroom.

I got undressed and took a bath. My skin was red as the hot water put my tense muscles at ease.

I got out as Anna handed me the towel. I dried myself and my hair.

Today of all days I feel depressed.

She helped me put my dress on, It revealed my back because of the V it had at the back. And the front was cover but it also made my boobs look big.

She did my hair in an up-do. And had two curls dangling down my back and face.

She did my make up something I didnt exactly like but let her.

I stood up and looked into the mirror. The red dress praised my pale skin and the lipstick.

Anna smiled at my appearance and said "You look beautiful darling".

I looked at her and gave her a faint smile.

"You need to leave now, he's waiting for you".

The silk dress fell flatly down my waiste. But my curves were excentric and showed its firmness. I stood up and made my way out of the basement. I walked straight to the castle doors slowly.

I looked at the ground the entire time. He wasnt there but I was wrong.

"You reveal too much skin for my liking but we're late".He said placing his hand on my back.

It was surprisingly warm. He fed on someone.

I sighed as he stepped beside me. He held out his arm and i hooked reluctantly.

The limosine waited for us and the chauffer opened the door for us.

I got in and looked out the window as the vehicle started moving.

The atmosphere was surprisingly comfortable but became disrupted when he said we were almost there.

I looked at his watch. It's 7 o'clock. Have we been driving that long.

Braeden got out and waited for me. He held out his hand and the cool air caressed my skin. I breathed in the air. It felt felt really nice to be abled to step outside.

I looked around and saw people entering one big looking castle. But I knew it wasnt as big as his.

I held his arm for support so that I couldnt fall because of the uneven ground gravel.

I looked up and saw how easily the other girls walked on them. It was clear they were vampires.

We finally came at the door. They bowed at him and just starred at me. Especially the females.

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