Circumstances Part 2

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Chapter 2: The Morning After

Clemont let out a huge yawn as he entered the Kitchen. It was now 7:30 in the morning and he didn't get a wink of sleep since of last night. He got himself a glass of water hoping it would wake him up a little as he didn't like how coffee made his hands shaky. Not exactly ideal for an inventor. Clemont sat at the table, the events of last night still buzzing in his mind. No matter which way he thought about it, he was no closer to guessing what exactly happened to Ash and Pikachu nor what caused their memory loss. This was just a big confusing mess right now. How was he going to clear everything up if Ash was unable to fill in the blanks? If only he had one little hint he could go on. Clemont heard shuffling in the hallway and soon Bonnie came into the kitchen rubbing her eyes, with Dedenne in her other hand.

"Bonnie, you're up early." said Clemont with amusement.

"So are you." his sister muttered. "Last time you were up this early was when Clembot locked us out of the gym."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." apologised Clemont. "You can go back to bed for a bit if you want."

Bonnie stared at Clemont for a moment then she walked over to him and crossed her arms.

"Okay, what happened?"

"Wh...what do you mean?" asked Clemont, taken aback by this. Did she really suss him out this fast?

"You look like you've been up all night." said Bonnie as-matter-of-factly. "You're hair's all messy, your eyes are droopy and I'm sure those aren't the pyjamas you went to bed in." his sister let out a sigh. "This is exactly why I need to find you a wife." Dedenne made a noise in agreement.

Clemont sighed. He should know his sister by now. Nothing gets passed her. He really didn't want to get into this so early in the morning,but he had to tell her eventually, so it was probably best to get it out of the way now."

"Okay, come sit down Bonnie."

Bonnie did as she was told and sat at the opposite end of the table.

"Is everything okay, Clemont?" she asked, her irritated expression disappearing and replaced with a worried frown.

Clemont sighed, having no idea where to start.

"Yes, I mean...I think? I don't really know yet."

"Sounds serious." whimpered Bonnie.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it will be okay. It's just, I don't really have all the answers yet."

"Okay."said Bonnie petting Dedenne. "What doyou know?"

Clemont took a deep breath, trying hard to ignore the knot in his stomach.

Here it goes.

"Last night a pokemon called for help. A Riolu. It was very upset about something so I followed it to see what was up. It....led me to Ash."

"WHAT?!" cried Bonnie standing up from her seat in shock. Clemont flinched.

"Shhhhh, he's asleep Bonnie." he whispered.

"Oh sorry." said Bonnie covering her mouth. "Wait, Ash is here?"

"Yeah, it was pouring down with rain last night. I'd be a prettybad friend if I just left him there." said Clemont with a small laugh.

"Is he okay?" asked Bonnie, her voice filled with worry. Dedenne seemed concerned too.


"He's fine, or at least he will be." reassured Clemont, staring at his glass of water. "Just a little shaken."

Circumstances *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now