Circumstances Part 10

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Chapter 9: A Scary Encounter

"Awesome, Riolu! You're getting much better at this!" congratulated Ash as he petted the Emanation Pokemon on the head.


Hawlucha, whom Riolu had been with, proudly patted the pokemon on the back. Riolu really was getting better at battling. He was sure it wouldn't be long before it would be in an actual battle. Ash was really glad to have finally gotten some training in. So much has been happening lately like the whole memory issue and gaining a boyfriend, so training was somehow the last thing on his mind most days. Now though, Ash finally found some time to buckle down and get some much-needed work done. Riolu sat on the ground and exhaled deeply.

"Yeah, I think we've all earned a break," said Ash as he wiped the sweat off his brow. "Thanks, Hawlucha you were a big help."

Ash recalled the wrestling pokemon then made his way to one of the benches where Clemont and Bonnie were watching. Since it was such a nice day, they had decided to join Ash and watch him train. Giving help and advice where needed.

Ash felt a small flutter in his stomach. It's been three days since the carnival. Three days since the kiss. Ash wasn't sure what made him do it, but ultimately he was glad he did. He liked this feeling. Ash wanted to grip onto that feeling and never let go. No wonder Brock flirted with every girl he saw.

Now I know what the fuss was about....sort of. Ash thought to himself.

"Hey Ash, you did great today," said Clemont once Ash reached him. The blonde gave Ash back his backpack that he was minding while they trained.

"Thanks, Clemont," replied Ash as he gratefully accepted the bag. "Riolu is getting really strong now. You wouldn't think it knew nothing about battling until recently."

Riolu rubbed the back of its head, cheeks tinged pink.

"Raa roo."

"You did really good Riolu," said Bonnie as she petted it. Then she turned to her brother. "Come on Clemont, you promised we could get ice cream today."

"Yeah, I know Bonnie," said Clemont with a smile. "But lets at least get some lunch first. Most cafes around here sell desserts too."

Bonnie shrugged and followed Ash and Clemont out of the battle arena. However, it wasn't long before she sprinted ahead.

"There she goes again." sighed Clemont. "One of these days I'm gonna lose her in the crowd."

"I wouldn't worry too much," said Ash as he placed a hand on Clemont's shoulder. "I'm sure she knows Lumiose City as well as you do."

"I know, I just can't help but worry though," said Clemont. He then gave Ash a smile. "It's kind of a thing big brothers do."

"I wouldn't know. I don't have any siblings," said Ash with a sad smile. "I get it though. You wanna keep Bonnie safe. Like I want to keep my pokemon safe." Ash petted his Pikachu who gave a happy squeak in response. "I'm not sure if it's really the same thing,'s still a good thing right? To wanna protect?"

"Of course!" confirmed Clemont gripping Ash's hand. "Pokemon, siblings...boyfriends, it's all the same. You want to keep them safe because you care about them. You love them. So it's definitely the same thing."

Ash smiled, then looked ahead to watch Bonnie skip towards one of the nearby cafes. He may not have any siblings of his own, but after all the time they spent together, Bonnie kind of became like a little sister to him. He never said anything about it because he didn't want Clemont to feel like he was stealing his thunder or something. Especially not now, not just when their relationship was getting off the ground.

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