Circumstances Part 8

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Chapter 7: Can't Fight This Feeling

Clemont sat on his bed with a huge sigh. He and Ash had just returned from the police station to tell Officer Jenny they're new information. Though it really wasn't much. All Ash could tell them was that there was a Hypno involved with his disappearance. She said she would look into it and advised them to stay alert and to avoid any Hypno for the time being. Ash was now in his room, likely fast asleep. It was quite a stressful day for him after all.

"Still, it's a step in the right direction," Clemont said to himself.

He heard a knock on the door and he looked up to see Bonnie, already in her pyjamas holding Dedenne close.

"Hi, Clemont. Is Ash okay?"

Clemont smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. He just had a bit of a shock that's all."

"That's good. I was worried," said Bonnie with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah, me too," replied Clemont.

He definitely didn't want to witness something like that again anytime soon. His heart fell at the very image of Ash leaning against the wall looking sick. He was quiet for most of the trip to the police station and back. Speaking only if he was asked a question that couldn't be answered by just shaking or nodding his head. Clemont hoped he would feel a little better tomorrow.


Clemont jerked out of his thoughts and smiled sheepishly at his sister.

"Sorry, I kinda spaced out there didn't I?"

"You've been doing that a lot lately," Bonnie pointed out.

"Yeah, I know," said Clemont with a sigh. We should probably get some sleep. It's a bit late.

"Okay, as long as you're both fine," said Bonnie. "Night Clemont."

"Night Bonnie."

Clemont looked out of the window. It was already lit up by various streetlamps. They had a bit of a long wait in the police station and Clemont was exhausted. He hoped that he would not have to deal with another day like this one.

- - - - -

Clemont was sitting at the kitchen table the next morning forcing himself to eat his cereal, despite not being hungry. Ash was quieter than usual but still seemed more upbeat than yesterday. Clemont has always admired Ash's ability to bounce back. Bonnie was chattering away about how excited she was to start her own journey. It certainly wouldn't be long now. Maybe a year or two.

It was Clemont's turn to battle gym challengers today so after breakfast, he got his pokemon ready and headed for the gym.

After finishing his third battle, Ash and Pikachu came into the gym and both gave him a wave.

"Hey, Clemont. Sorry I haven't watched your first battles. Bonnie really wanted me to help her teach Dedenne a new move."

"It's fine, don't worry about it," reassured Clemont.

"So win any battles?" asked Ash as he stood next to Clemont.

"Y.....yeah two out of three." stuttered Clemont. His heart fluttering at how close Ash was to him right now. "Err, since it's quiet I should make sure my pokemon aren't too injured."

Clemont made his way back to the living quarters but didn't make two steps before a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Why, do you keep doing that?!" Ash demanded.

Circumstances *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now