Part : 24 Union of Two Souls

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Manik P.O.V.

When i got know that Nandita called me and asked me to meet her , i got crazy. After long 16 years , finally i would meet her. My excitement , my happiness, i couldn't even describe in words. I was finally going to meet my lost love. I suffered a lot without her , i waited for her , i didn't stop loving her for a single second. So many thoughts started coming in my mind. How she would look ? How she would be ? Most important thing was that i was going to meet her after 16 years which were like so many ages. God had finally listened to me.
I was running out from the hotel to parking area like if I would get late , I would lost her. The excitement was killing me. I was running like i was running to save my life. It was true also somewhere, i was running for my life only. Nandita was really my life , she was my world.
After sitting inside the car , i started the car hurriedly. Smile was not leaving my face , i was smiling like a fool. My heart and my soul was happiest. My heart was dancing inside me with the excitement and happiness. I never felt so happy before. I was driving the car crazily breaking all the signals and traffic rules. That time , i was really not caring about anything. I just wanted to see my Nandita as soon as possible. Somewhere i was scared to lose her again , if i would not reach on time.

"Damn it"i shouted hitting the steering angrily because of the traffic. My car didn't even move a inch from five minutes. I was getting frustrated , the wait was killing me. I was just few km away from my destiny. My heart was beating fast and i was going crazy. Five minute more passed and i lost my temper. Coming out of my car , i started running toward my destiny. The wait was making me more crazy and my excitement was increasing with each passing second. The feeling of seeing my love after 16 years was making me crazy. People might be calling me crazy seeing their rockstar running like an idiot on the road but I didn't care because i just wanted to see my love.

When i was just few minute away from my destination. I got stopped while breathing heavily. A thing made me more crazy and confused that what would happen of Nandini? She had supported , she had taught me to live life , she had given me the reason to be happy , she had given me a new life and she had loved me without any expectation. I had also started to love her. When Nandita would come in my life , what would she do? This was the only thing which made me worried. I was confused from the day one that how could i love two person at same time. One side , I didn't want to cheat Nandita by accepting her love and on the other side I wanted to love Nandini till my last breath. This thought again made me confused. I was really really confused thinking that from Nandini and Nandita , whom i loved the more. I was feeling like both were equally important for me. I wanted to spend my life with both of them. "This is going to be a toughest decision of my life" I said to myself after taking a deep breath.

I again started running, putting my all thoughts on side for some time. Few minutes passed away and I reached there. I stood there , putting hand on my knees , catching my breath back. Then my eyes fell on Nandini who was standing in the middle of bridge. I got shocked and surprised to find her in Delhi.
"Nandini" I stood straight and called her. She looked toward me and gave a big smile. I found her smile different that time , she was looking more happier than before. I got sad because I was going to snatch her all happiness by telling her that i got my Nandita. I started walking toward her taking slow step. Her smile was becoming big , the more i was going close to her. I was feeling pain in my heart because I was going to take her smile. The person who became the reason of my smile , i really didn't want to become the reason of that person sadness.
"Why My life is so complicated ?"my heart cried inside thinking this.

"Manik , you are not looking happy. Is everything fine?" Nandini asked from me worriedly holding my hand when i reached toward her. She got so much worried for me seeing me sad and i was going to snatch away her happiness. The girl who got sad seeing me sad. How could I snatch her happiness. This thought was killing me.

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