Pearly-Dewdrops' Drop

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So...named after the song by the Cocteu Twins. Ummm....warnings include minor swearing.

Sounds good yeah?


If you can guess all the song mentions in here and the Artists I will love you forever, not that I don't already. :D so...onward!


The morning business was slow, as usual, allowing Bunny to have some time to do her own thing for a little bit during the lull. This included reading a book she had in her bag, cleaning the bar and some of the blenders and bowls, making a new playlist to play over the speakers, vacuuming the floors…it was a slow morning. The entire time, Stan was sitting on one of the wooden tables, a pad of paper in front of him as he worked on something (probably related to the match later that night).

Around eleven business started to pick up so she actually had a short line going. Most everyone was patient as they waited for their smoothies and drinks and elixir shots that the organic bar served. The rush lasted until around one where it petered out again.

Stan stood up from the table he had been working at all day and gathered all his papers and pencils and pens. “Alright…I’m going to go. You can lock up tonight right?” he asked Bunny as she sat at the bar sipping on a bottle of water and scrolling through her Twitter.

She looked at him in shock, “You’re gonna leave me here all alone?” she asked, jumping off one of the stools to stand up and stare at him, though she had to look up, being that she was very intimidating at the height of 5’3” (notice the sarcasm).

Stan shrugged. “I can trust you, beside, I know where you are going to be tonight.” He said while walking to the closet and grabbing his own bag and blades. “Just leave the money counting for tomorrow. I’ll do it in the morning, you or Mo can come in early to be there too.” He said as he slung them over his shoulder.

“You know that’s not kosher.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Besides, what am I supposed to do by myself for another 8 hours before closing?” she whined, following him around the bar.

He just shrugged, “I don’t know, you’re creative, think of something.” He said with a finite tone. “I’ll see you at the Arena at 9:30, sharp!” he said pointing a finger at her, before disappearing out the door.

 Bunny just stood in the middle of the shop and slumped her shoulders. How would she survive another 8 hours?


It turns out, wasting a few hours was easy.

She spent three of them just scrolling through the internet on her phone and answering calls when someone decided to call. A few customers came in, one wanting to know about some of their health ingredients and the benefits, so that took up about an hour.

She spent another one browsing different music that she randomly found on Twitter, before making another playlist to listen to. Another hour was tacked onto that for making a new playlist for the shop again that she absolutely fell in love with.

So, it came to the 6th hour with her singing to the song blasting through the speakers, “Pearly-Dewdrops’ drop. Maybe she could make a drink named that…she would have to try, considering all the drinks on the menu were named after different songs and “Musical moments”, such as “Woodstock”, and “The Grunge Revolution”.

She was so wrapped up in the song, (which by the way made no sense, she just loved the feeling of it) that she didn’t notice when a few more customers walked into the store. She had her back to the door, so the four boys that walked in were able to take a good look around before ordering a drink.

They were dressed in mostly all black, except one of them was wearing a brown and white flannel shirt that was cut off at the shoulders, making it sleeveless. The tallest out of the four was playing with his lip ring as the more tanned boy was staring at all the drinks on the chalk board next to the counter. Bunny turned around while humming and nearly jumped out of her skin, noticing the four boys.

“Oh holy shit…” she gasped as she grabbed the remote and turned the volume down quickly. “Oh my god, I am so sorry. How long were you standing there?” she asked as she sprinted over to the counter, making the four boys laugh.

“Not very long honestly. We were just looking around.” the one boy with huge dimples, curly hair and a bandanna said with a grin. “I don’t think I’ve seen a café like this before.” He said, looking around again.

Bunny nodded as she took the four in, frowning as she tried to place the boys somewhere in her mind. She knew they were very familiar to her, but her mind was mush as the moment when the purple haired boy looked her over. She flushed slightly, realizing her own hair was dyed a light lilac purple.

“Well um…what can I get you?” she asked as she sat up, logging into the register system which was a tablet that was on a mount bolted onto the counter. She tried to shake the feeling of knowing them away, and focused on her work. The last thing she wanted was to get fired.

The tanned boy with the black hair wearing a beanie frowned as he turned to her, “They all actually sound really good. What would you suggest?” he asked as he pushed to the front.

Bunny blinked, “Like…do you all want something different, or do you all want the same thing?” she asked as she turned her attention to the menu.

“Different.” The boy with the purple hair stated. Bunny practically swooned at his voice. It was so light and soft and raspy and…she was pathetic. She mentally shook herself.

“Alright…well…one good one is Global Concepts…” she said pointing to the one she mentioned. “It’s coconut water blended with blueberries, ginger and a little bit of Bee pollen.” She motioned to the board. “Umm…Red Hands is a tomato and carrot smoothie with a bit of celery in it and coconut water and some hemp protein. Whisper is all natural Acai berries mixed with kale, honey and a little bit of coconut meat as well.” She told them, the boys all listening her intently. “My personal favorite is probably the Woodstock though, which is an all green smoothie, kiwi fruit, spinach, kale, a hint of mango and hemp protein with an apple mixed in coconut water.” She said, taking a deep breath at the end of her little speech.

“Those sound…strange.” The boy with the dimples said. “But I mean…if you say they are good we can’t judge right?” he said with a laugh, it was loud and boisterous. She knew that laugh…

“Alright…so 16oz or 7oz?” she asked as she typed into the computer each of the smoothies. All four wanted a 16oz one, so she quickly figured to total. “$18.46 please.” She said getting up and grabbing the stickers that went on the cups with the names. “and can I get your names?” she asked, grabbing a gold sharpie for the stickers.





All the boys answered separately, she eyes shot up at them, before darting over to the wall where all the posters and flyers were for the match that night. “Wait…you’re…” she stood up straight and leaned over the counter to look at them closer, squinting her eyes. The boys looked very confused, before Luke saw the poster for the acoustic gig.

“Whoops…yeah. That’s us.” He said, his accent thick.

“Holy shit…I can’t say I’ve ever met a band before.” Bunny said with a small laugh, leaning back behind the counter and writing their names down quickly. “Alright, I’ll get these done as quickly as I can!” she said while running to the bar where all the blenders were.

How often could one say that they made an organic smoothie for four hot Australian boys…who just so happened to be playing a fairly big concerts in a couple days?

Yeah…that opportunity doesn’t come around that much.

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