Touring Trio

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"Thank you for volunteering to show around our new student, Starlight Glimmer. She's a transfer student from Sire Academy." explained the teacher, while Sunset stared in awe, it was Starlight Glimmer, but...from this world! And she looked...shy. She was quiet, didn't even look at the two girls. She was Starlight, but different. She had glasses like this worlds Twilight, but wore the same outfit as Starlight from Equestria the last time she came into the human world. 

"Hi, Starlight, I'm Sunset, and this is Trixie. We'll be showing you around, and hopefully, we can become friends!" I said, smiling. Starlight nodded and stepped up to me. Luna walked away and we started showing Starlight where all the rooms were. 

Through the first few rooms, Starlight didn't do so much. She just looked at the door, nodded and followed us. Then Trixie made a bold move. 

"So, why are you so quiet? Did something happen at your old school?" she blurted out, I gave her a look, and she covered her mouth, before I patted Starlight on the shoulder. Starlight fell to the ground and covered her eyes, and started crying.

"My boyfriend Sunburst broke up with me because he moved to Crystal Prep to become a doctor and said that it wouldn't work out since Sire Academy is so far away from the main town!" she paused and took a breath, before burying her face in her knees and whimpering. I squatted down to give her a hug, 

"Hey, it's okay! We're your new friends now, here,  you can sit with us at lunch, and since you have the same classes as us, we can hang out! If you want, we can throw a welcome party for you? I can get Pinkie Pie to host it." I said, looking up at Trixie, and she squatted down with me. 

"Yeah! I can perform magic as entertainment!" she said, excitedly, Starlight looked up and smiled, pushing her glasses up her nose. 

"That does sound nice." she sniffed, I pulled her up, and Trixie laughed, and nudged Starlight, 

"C'mon, we'll show you the empty locker between ours! We can hang out after school!" said Trixie. They all walked over to the locker hall and handed Starlight the key, so that Starlight could open the locker and dropped her bags into it, but kept her textbooks tightly pressed against her chest.

After going through the whole school and making a fifteen-minute break at the library, because Starlight loved her books and knowing everything.

When the bell rang for lunch, the halls filled with students, all desperate to drop off their things and get food before all the good desserts ran out, and they were left with boring Chocolate pie, which every student had had at least eight times in their life. 

Luckily, we didn't have anything to drop off and went straight to lunch, sitting down with our food at the centre table. Starlight poked at her food a little before finally eating it, while Trixie slurped her Apple Juice. 

"So about the welcome party, do you really think you can convince someone to plan and host one for us?" asked Starlight, after swallowing a mouthful of food. Sunset nodded, and called out,

"Hey, Pinkie Pie! Over here!" She waved, and Pinkie reluctantly joined them at the table, she peered at Sunset, then at Trixie, then at Starlight. 

"What do you need Sunset Shimmer?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Sunset blushed. 

"Can you host a welcome party for Starlight in the school garden? I'm, thinking theme, snacks, punch, all that stuff! And you are the best party planner in school, so d'you think you can do it?" she asked. Pinkie beamed, 

"There's a Starlight in this world too? Of course I'll host a welcome party for her!" she squealed before bouncing back to the table as if she hadn't a care in the world. 

"This'll be great, I promise."

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