Chapter Four

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I looked back at Louis, who gave me a weak smile, and sighed before I put on my sunglasses and got out of the car. The moment their eyes recognized me their eyes widened and their mouths formed ‘O’s and the air was filled with screams.

I found myself between Zayn and Liam and smiled at them. “Wave and smile, guys, wave and smile”, I whispered, turned back at the fans with a huge grin and waved. We went towards the screaming girls who waved at us, shouted for us and threw themselves against us, literally.

“Hi, my name is Keela, could you sign this, please?”, a voice beside me asked shyly and with a smile I turned to her.

“Of course”, I grinned and took the pen and the photo out of her arms. It was a photo of the five of us, playing with a rope. It was pretty old but I could remember this photo-shoot. With one move of my hand I wrote my name on the photo and gave it back to her. “Here you go”, I said.

“Thank you so much! Oh, and you and Louis are sooo cool together! I knew it from the beginning!”, Keela said.

I laughed quietly. “Thank you very much.” I looked around and found Louis signing something, too. So did Liam, Zayn and Niall.

“I won’t waste much more of your time”, Keela smiled. “It was sooo cool to meet you! Good bye and have fun in America!”

“Thanks”, I said before she ran off and another girl took her place.

It took us almost half an hour until every fan had at least one sign of one of us. We waved good bye and went to our private plane where already our suitcases were.

I let out a deep breath and entered the plane, followed by the rest of the boys. “I really love our fans...”, Zayn murmured. “But I’m really exhausted now.” He coughed slightly and dropped himself on one of the seats.

“Yeah, and I haven’t slept much tonight”, Niall sighed and dropped himself next to Zayn.

I looked at Liam and wiggled my eyebrows at him.

“Harry, you’re such a perv”, he sighed. “And no, that wasn’t the reason why we hadn’t slept that much last night. It was because of Amber.”

Zayn nodded. “I’m missing Amelia already, too. I’m happy I’ll be back before she gives birth.”

“Do you already know if it’s a boy or a girl?”, Niall asked smiling.

“No, but...” His grin grew even wider and his eyes roamed all our faces before he answered. “It’s not only one baby.”

“No!”, Louis laughed. “You’re getting twins? Congratulations!”

Zayn laughed and let Louis hug him. “Thanks much. I am so happy! Four days ago we found out.”

“Have you prepared names?”, I asked.

“Yeah, if it’s boys their names are James and Micheal. If it’s girls their names are Samantha and Alex and if it’s a boy and a girl Micheal and Samantha. But I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl as long as it’s healthy.” I could see how proud he was and I was proud of him.

To some fans, or that’s what I had read on twitter, Zayn was the bad boy of the band. They saw the quiff in his hair and his tattoos and I think his exotic looks made it even worse. He was the only one who had a beard even though you couldn’t really call it a beard. Rather... let’s say it looked like he was too lazy to shave.

But Zayn wasn’t like that. Yes, he was smoking but did this mean he was evil?

Actually he was the total opposite. He was respecting everyone. That he sat in a plane with four boys who were in a relationship proved it. Other boys might have been freaked out and hadn’t even entered the plane but for him it was no big deal.

Forever Young (Sequel to 'Gotta Be Lou')Where stories live. Discover now