Young Atlas

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Disclaimer in the  first chapter.

Walt groaned  as he collapsed onto his bed, shifting into his human form as he moved. It had been a month since Jim was born. One month since he had gone to TrollMarket and become a spy for the Trollhunter in an attempt to protect his friends. And, it was beginging to catch up with him. Even 700  year old Changlings need too sleep.  None of that  even accounted for his human life! 

Walt was just about to drift off to sleep when his phone began to ring. Seeing that it was Barbara, he swallowed  his exhaustion and answered.

"Hello?" He said.

"W-Walt?" Barbara was crying, "O-oh! Oh G--G--Gosh! Y-yo-you were sl-sleeping! I-I  sh-should-shouldn't  ha-ha--"

"Barbra,"Walt interrupted, suddenly wide wake," What's wrong? Are you all alright?"

"H-H-He's g-gone," Barbara whimpered,"He left, Walt."

"Who, Barbara?" Walt  insisted, already heading for the door, dreading the answer.

"James!"Barbara sobbed, "He-He just...walked out! James left us, Walt! He left us!"

Walt's blood  began to boil,"I'm on my way, Barbara. Just hang in there."

Walt drove as fast as he could to Barbara's  house, heart pounding the whole way. As soon as he pulled into the driveway, Barbara ran out. Walt ran to meet her,  enveloping his sobbing  friend in  his arms.

"It's going to be alright, Barbara," He comforted.

"H--he's not c-c-coming back," Barbara whimpered into his chest, "He said he's not coming back. He-He- all those 'extra hours' he was taking? He was CHEATING on me!"

Walt's blood boiled again, though, he couldn't say he was surprised. He  had had his suspicions  about James for a  while, but had never had the heart to say anything to Barbara.

"I'm so sorry,  Barbara," He said, sincerely, gently rocking her from  side to side,"It's  going to  be O.K. You'll see."(1) 

"I-I-I don't-don't know what I'm going to do,Walt," Barbara stammered, "I'll have to- to find  someone to watch-watch--"

"Baarbara,"  Walt stopped her," What you need to do right now is get some  rest. It's late and I have no doubt that you have not slept. I will watch Jim. You will go upstairs and get some sleep."

"But--"Barbara began.

"No,"Walt stopped her again,"No 'Buts'. You need to get some rest. I know  you're upset. You're sad and mad and so many emotions all at once, My Dear, but I won't let you burn yourself out. Now, go get some rest. I'll wake you if Jim or I  need you."

Barbara nuzzled his chest for a moment longer before leaning back,"You're sure you don't mind watching Jim?"

"Positive," Walt assured,"Go,  Sleep."

Barbara nodded sadly and headed up the stairs. Walt turned  to the living room and  saw Jim asleep in the playpen. He reached down and took the sleeeping infant in his arms holding him close.

"Oh, Young Atlas," He murmured," What are we going to do  for her?"


Before another month had passed, Walt moved into the Lake household. Draal, the Trollhunter's son, also moved in as well, after gaining Barbara's approval. To keep an eye on Walt and to protect the faamily from Bular. The two had only been living there for a month  when it happened. Walt was at the dinning room table grading papers, from his student teaching, when he heard Barbara scream.

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