The Music Teacher

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Disclaimer in the first chapter.


Barbara heard the truck long before she even stepped outside. It was her day off from both classes and work so Walt and Jim had decided that they should all go on a picnic, as a family.

Walt joined her on the porch, Jim on his shoulders, both singing 'Uptown Girl'. The duo destracted Barbara for a moment as she took the two-year-old from her husband. 

"Guten Morgen, mein freund."

Walt and Barbara whipped around to see  who  had  spoken. At the foot of the porch steps, the sleeves of his white button down rolled up, stood Otto Scaarbach. 

"Otto!"  Walt embraced his brother, "When did you get here? Why didn't you say anything about coming to visit?"

The short German changling laughed, "Because I am not veesiting, Vvalt. I have been moved to Arcadia! I vvanted to  surprise you all."

"Well, count me surprised," Walt laughed, "Barbara, Jim, it's about time you two met Otto face-to-face."

"It's  wonderful to finally  meet you, Otto,"  Barbara  settled Jim on her hip so she could  shake her brother-in-law's hand.

Otto took her hand and  pulled her, Jim and all,  into a tight but comfortable hug.

"Und I am glad to finally get to hug you und Jim!"

Jim whimpered and leaned away from his uncle. Otto leaned back and smiled a small smile at the boy.

"Jim, do you know who I am?" He asked, gently, "I'm Uncle O."

Jim starred at the man for a moment, eyes wide. He looked Otto up and down. Then, he gasped and reached forward, wiggling in Barbara's arms.

"Uncle O!" He cheared, "Uncle O!"

The adults laughed as Barbara handed her son over to  his uncle. Jim hugged Otto around the neck  and Otto happily cuddled him  back. Walt looked to Barbara for approval before turning back to his brother.

"We were just on our way to the park for a picnic, Otto.  Would you care to join us?" He offered.

Otto shook his head, "Nein. I can't today. I have to feenish unpacking und I vvould  like to meet the rest of mein neighbors. Perhaps vve can do deener tomorrow? I vvill cook."

"Shall we assume this offer is also extended to Nomura?" Barbara asked.

"Of course!" 

"Hello," interrupted the shrill voice of Nana, "Who might this be?"

They all turned to find the elderly woman with Toby on her hip.

"Nana," Walt grinned, "This is my baby brother, Otto Scaarbach. Otto, this is Nana Domzalski and, well, you  know Toby."

Otto reached forward and shook Nana's hand jovially, "It ist gut to finally  meet, you Frau Domzalski. Und, Toby, I am happy to finally meet you face to face."

In theory, at the moment, as Toby had is face buried in the crook of Nana's neck. Nana set the toddler on the ground, unable to  hold him  any longer. Toby turned to hide his face in her knees. Otto smiled sympathetically at the little boy  and knelt down in front of the Domzalskis.

"Toby?" He offered in his quiet voice, "I know I am much beeger zen I am on ze computer but, I am steel Uncle O."

The red haired toddler peaked one eye over his shoulder to look at the changling. 

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