Three Little Birds

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Bular wanted nothing more than to be out of this meeting. All the changlings were congratulating him for killing another Trollhunter and he just wanted to leave. He had to get to the drive-in. He had to explain what happened to Bagdwella! He didn't even dismiss the changlings at the end of the meeting before he ran out the back, hoping none of them had noticed how frazzled he was.

"Dwelly!"  He called as he crashed out of the trees and into the abandoned lot, "Dwelly? If you're here, please come out. I promise I can explain! Please! Dwelly!? I'm sorry! Please..."

The Gumm-Gumm prince sank to his knees. Tears stung his eyes. He honestly couldn't say he was surprised Bagdwella hadn't come. Murdering  someone would drive anyone away.

Suddenly, a small, transparent chrystal roled up to him. It was devoid of all color making it almost look like a peice of glass. Bagdwella stood behind it.

"Pick it up."


"Pick. It. Up."

Bular took the chrystal in both hands and tried to look at Bagdwella. However, he found he couldn't meet her eyes.

"Tell me something we both know is true."

"I love you."


"I said something we  BOTH know is true!"

Bular choked back a sob, trying to mask it with a cough.

"I-I am the only son of Gunmar the Skullcrusher."

Nothing happened.

"Now...Now say something we both know is false."

"I-I have never seen a changling?"

The chrystal glowed a dark, angry red. 

Bagdwella nodded, "Alright. Now, tell me what happened this morning."

Bular took a deap breath and tried to meet Bagdwella's eyes.

"I sought out Kanjigar the Courageous, not to fight but to talk. I wanted to ask him for help. I-I was going to give him the  location of Killahead Bridge."


"I-I'm done trying to bring my father back. I  told the Trollhunter everything. Exept about us. I...didn't want to do that  without you. As we were finishing our discussion  he slipped. He fell off the bridge and  into the sunlight.  I-I tried to catch him. T-t-tried to grab his hand. But I was to slow. I missed. All I ended up  doing  was burning my  hand."

 He held out his sunburned hand and was astonished when Bagdwella placed her tiny hand in his palm. But I look back and was finally able to look back into her eyes. Bular looked back and was finally able to look back into her eyes.

Bagdwella placed her other hand on the Crystal, "It's alright. I believe you."

Bular couldn't fight it anymore. He broke down and sobbed. He dropped his head and wrapped his tail around his legs.

"I tried, Dwelly," The giant troll sobbed, "I tried to save him."

Bagdwella cupped his face, tucking her hansd under his horns," I know. I know, Sweet Bun. It's alright. I love you."

Bular bumped his head against hers, "I love you too, Dwelly."


Bular sat in the  back room at the museum. He was waiting the last few minutes for  the sun to goo down and  he could go see Bagdwella. His  meeting with the changlings wasn't until after midnigh, giving him a few hours to meet with his secret love. There was something very important that he wanted to talk to her about.

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