The Eternal Night

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Otto blinked groggily as two Gumm-Gumm goons dragged him toward their master. Gunmar stood boldly in the center of the room, Usmar, the Kubera prince, stood by his side.

"Scaarbach," The Gumm-Gumm king sneered.

"Wo ist Lenora!*"Otto snarled, to angry to care who he was talking to, "Ich schwöre, wenn du sie verletzt-*"

"Such compassion. Do you honestly forget that you are only half human? Perhaps that is why you chose to side with the Trollhunter."

This did nothing to lessen Otto's snarles, "Du bist ein Monster."

"Do you think I am a monster, Scaarbach? But I can have compassion."

Otto heard his wife grunt as she was dragged forward.

"Let go of me! Let me go!"


He sprinted over and enveloped her in his arms. Lenora buried her face in his hair. 

"Das wird ok sein. Wir werden hier rauskommen," He murdered in her ear, stroking her back gently.

"You must do whatever he says," Lenora begged.

A Gumm-Gumm brought the Staff of Avalon to them.

"Take it and liberate your Eldridge Queen and you will be rewarded," Gunmar sneered, revealing yellow teeth.

Otto took a deap breath, breathing in Lenora's sent. It didn't take him a second to notice something was off.

"He promises not to hurt anyone in Arcadia," Lenora informed him, squeezing his shoulders, "Save our fami-"

Otto gripped her face and ripped off the glamour mask, "Du bist nicht meine Frauen! Wo! Ist! Lenora!*"

Guserna snarled and moved to stand beside her brother. Gunmar growled and motioned to the side. An iron cage was lifted into sight. Lenora, trapped in her fairy form, huddled inside.


"Otto!" She attempted to reach out for his hand but was burned by the iron bars, "Gah!" (1)


The Gumm-Gumm guard opened the cage door and Gunmar leaned forward to sniff the fairy. Lenora snarled back at him with almost as much ferocity as Otto.

"A brave creature. But the brave, are often the first to die."

Lenora glared up at him and ran over to Otto, hugging him every bit as tight as he hugged her. Otto breathed deaply again and took momentary comfort in the familiarity of her scent, knowing that it was truly her this time.

"Don't do anything he says, Otto. You know perfectly well we can't trust anything he says."

Otto nodded, swiping his thumbs over the small of her back, "I know, Zaubermaus. I know."

"Release your Queen, and I will let the Fairy go," Gunmar promised.

Otto stiffened. If he let Lenora go she would be able to warn Walt and the others. She would be safe. Their children would be safe.

Lenora noticed her husband's change, "Otto, no. Don't even think about it. I'm not going anywhere without you and you know it. I will not raise our children without you."

Otto leaned back and looked into her eyes, "But I can't loose you. I lost my family vvonce before. I can't do it again. I love you, Lenora. Enough to risk ze vvorld."

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