Chapter 16: Leaving?

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*10 minutes later*

Sunny: *runs outside* Erika!

Erika: Sunny! *stands up* Any news?

Sunny: He's just getting out of surgery. As far as I know of, it went well. But they still need to test a few things.

Erika: Like What?

Sunny: Brain levels. Heart rate. All that stuff.

Erika: Why brain levels?

Sunny: Im not a doctor...yet. But I think it might be because if his brain waves and levels are too high it can trigger something.

Erika: Is it something bad?

Sunny: It can be. I've seen it happen before.

Erika: What could happen exactly?

Sunny: *sighs* He could go into cardiac arrest, or a coma.

Erika: W-what?

Sunny: I know. I know. But its very rare. Most of the time it's not very serious though.

Chance: *from the door* Even with his luck?

Erika: ....Chance.

Chance: *starts walking towards them* So What you're saying is...he could die?

Sunny: Honestly he's lucky he didn't die right then and there.

Chance: ...

Erika: Thanks Sunny.

Sunny: No problem. I'll go check on him. *walks inside*

Chance: How are you holding up?

Erika: It's whenever I'm around. Stuff like this happens.

Chance: Are you really blaming yourself?

Erika: I don't know. *sits down*

Chance: *sits down* Want in on a little secret?

Erika: ....what?

Chance: Life is 10% what happens to you, and the other 90% is how you react to it.

Erika: ....

Chance: Erika...You aren't going to make a life for yourself if you keep blaming yourself for things you didn't cause or do. That's not how life works. The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

Erika: That's exactly my point. What if my job doesn't come through. Who is taking care of Kylee?

Chance: Jake duh.

Erika: But What If he's gone Chance!

Chance: ....Sorry.

Erika: I don't know what I'm going to do.

Chance: ...I have an idea. I hate it but-

Erika: What is it?!

Chance: *reaches into pocket* I was going to take Tessa to Ohio but. *hands plane tickets* You can go home instead.

Erika: Chance....

Chance: I'm serious. It's what's best for you 2.

Erika: ....*hugs* Thanks Chance.

Chance: *hugs back* Of course Rik.

Erika: ...I just need to see Jake first. Before I leave. It's probably what's best for him too.

Chance: I'll see what I can do to help you see him. And maybe not mention this to Ky.

Erika: Yeah. I could just tell her we're visiting.

Chance: You can always come back. We will always be here.

Erika: Thanks. I owe you one.

Chance: Nah. Just think of it as payback for all the times you helped me in school.

Erika: *laughs* I forgot about that.

Chance: *smiles* I can't believe it's been 2 years.

Erika: Me neither.

Sunny: Guys! Jake's stable! We can go see him!

Chance: *stands up* Ready Costell?

Erika: *stands up* As ready as I'll ever be.

Sunny: Only 2 people at once though.

Chance: Okay. Logan should go first though.

Logan: Thanks. *stands up*

Sunny: Okay. *looks at Kylee* She Can come too.

Erika: Okay. Come on Ky. We are going to see daddy.

Kylee: Daddy!!

*In the room*

Sunny: We have to be quiet though.

Erika: Got it.

Sunny: *opens door*

Logan: Hm. Nice room for a hospital.

Sunny: I'll leave you guys to it. *closes door*

Erika: *looks at Jake and sighs*

Logan: At least he's stable. Right?

Erika: *nods head*

Logan: Hey...what's wrong?

Erika: *starts crying* I can't see him like this.

Logan: Aw Rik. *hugs* He's going to be okay.

Erika: I'm a terrible human being.

Logan: Don't say that.

Erika: I am! I was going to leave because I couldn't handle it! I'm so selfish!

Logan: You were going to leave?

Erika: I know. It was bad to think of that.

Logan: But you're not anymore. Right?

Erika: I can't just take my daughter away from him.

Logan: Speaking Of daughter...where is she?

Jake: Right here.

Erika: Oh no.

Kylee: Me want to show daddy dawing! So me did!

Jake: *smiles* And it's amazing,

Logan: Uhh Hey Bro. How much did you hear?

Jake: Hmmm all of it. You guys are very bad whisperers.

Erika: Jake...I'm sorry.

Jake: I'm not in the mood Erika.

Logan: Come on Jake.

Erika: No he's right. I was only thinking of myself. I don't deserve to be talked to. *picks up Kylee and walks out of the room*

Logan: Rik come on. *looks at Jake* Why did you do that?

Jake: She was going to leave. And don't you know how I would've felt if that happened?

Logan: No....I guess I never thought about that.

Jake: I like her...again. And I don't know what I would've done if she left.

Logan: Oh. Well she's not leaving! You can make your move.

Jake: Maybe I will, maybe I won't. The point is I'm hurt. So can you please give me some space?

Logan: Yeah...see you later.

Jake: ...see you later.

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating but School has been really busy recently! Anyway I hope you enotecnias the chapter and remember...




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