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Screams rent the air as a man with long straight black hair labored to bring new life into the world as his crimson eyed mate tried to sooth him. After hours of exerting himself finally a baby's cry was heard a smile formed on pale thin lips as the long black haired man smiled down at his son, he turned to his mate and whispered "He is perfect my darling" crimson eyes sparkled as he looked looked into his submissive's obsidian ones "How could he not be when he has you for a bearer my love?" The black haired man smiled and sighed out "Adrian Darius Snape-Riddle" before falling into a deep sleep exhausted.

The man with crimson eyes smiled and picked up his son conjuring a arm chair he sat down cradling the baby in his arms, he spoke softly not wanting to awaken his exhausted mate "Adrian my beloved child I swear I will always protect you. Particularly from Albus Dumbledore as he will try to harm you to get to me" the man smiled warmly down at his son all the while vowing to protect the babe and his beloved mate.

Far away from Riddle manor in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry Albus Dumbledore was planning on destroying the so called dark wizard Voldemort purely because the man didn't believe in the same things he did plus he wanted to be the most powerful wizard in the world. The old man cackled with glee he had thought out the perfect plan unfortunately he needed time to execute it.

One year later: The two husbands had asked their friends the Malfoys well they were friends with Lucius Malfoy they weren't to fond if his wife Narcissa to look after their son Adrian while they had some much needed time together.
After a very enjoyable dinner in a quiet little restaurant the couple apparated back to Riddle manor, hearing a piercing scream the two men broke into a run. They burst through their front door and the sight before their eyes stunned them momentarily, Albus Dumbledore had Adrian in one arm while pointing his wand at a now infant Lucius, Narcissa instead of running to her husband's aid was beside Dumbledore with her wand pointed at the two husbands. She raised her wand and shouted "obliviate" the two along with Adrian disapperated leaving two disoriented men with a baby Lucius.

A/n: I know its short but its just a prologue to give you an idea about the story. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and the first chapter should be up in the next few days xx

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