*Vernon's Cruelty and More* Part 1

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Harry groaned as he rolled over on the hard floor, his mattress and cot had been taken away because he had passed out from a whipping and Vernon wasn't pleased.

His whole body felt like it was on fire, Vernon had raped him several times last night and had beaten him with a belt, he knew Vernon would be in shortly to let him out to hose down and go toilet on the grass like a dog. If he was lucky he would be tied up outside and would be able to get some fresh air. He couldn't stop the flinch as he heard Vernon walking down the path, nor could he help the whimper that escaped when the door was harshly banged open.

Vernon harshly unlocked the chain and dragged the boy outside, not caring that he was choking him. He turned the hose on and thrust it at the boy, "You had better clean yourself damn well you little whelp. So help you if your dirty tonight. Some friends want to use my little whore." He finished with a cruel laugh already imagining the pain that would be inflicted, he couldn't wait to see it.

Harry already cold from the hose shivered as his blood turned to ice at the words, 'oh man how am I going to survive tonight' he wondered. Then chastised himself, 'nasty freak whores should be grateful they have lived this long. They need to pay their way' his uncle's voice echoed in his mind, he silently agreed with the voice.

After being allowed to toilet he had another freezing shower with the hose, Vernon chained him to the side of the shed and left him there after giving him some moldy bread that he had spit on and a small cup of water, "Can't have you passing out before the fun begins. Can we 'freak?" He sneered as he walked away.

Harry shivered in the weak morning light his gaunt body weak but he knew he had to rest so could handle being tonight's entertainment, he knew Petunia and Dudley had left to visit Dudley's grandparents, he knew he was at the not so tender mercy of Vernon and his plans.

Harry had managed to get some rest, he was stiff and sore but was enjoying being outside in the warm spring air. He was woken by Vernon standing over him yelling "You little bitch you'd better be ready. You better not embarrass me tonight. If you do you I will beat you to death!" He roared, secure in the knowledge the freaky headmaster Dumbles' something or other had put special wards up so the neighbors couldn't see or hear what happened to the child.

Harry shivered and nodded "Yes Sir, I will not embarrass you." He vowed. Vernon nodded satisfied at the boy's words. He knew the whelp wouldn't dare disobey him, after relieving his bladder in the garden and forcing Harry to clean him up, he left to get ready for tonight.

Meanwhile at Riddle Manor:

Tom laughed, not knowing that he had a spy in his ranks, finally his plan for revenge would be fulfilled. Today was the day Dumbledore would pay for taking his son!

For several years he and Severus had tried to turn Lucius back into an adult but it was all in vain, the last few years had been painful on all of them. The little veela had suffered terrible nightmares and crippling fear if being beaten again, he was also malnourished. He and his mate suffered depression and pain from their son being taken. Tom knew that Lucius and himself was the only reason his mate was alive today.

As he left the room he never noticed the dark skinned man hiding under spells in the corner, so caught up was he in his plan.
The man pushed down his hood as he walked to the desk, carefully photographing the papers with a wizarding camera he laughed silently, his master would be pleased.

After leaving the manor he apparated to near Hogwarts school, he had to deliver the pictures right away, hopefully master had a plan to counteract this charter plan for revenge. Walking swiftly he burst into the headmaster's office, there sitting behind his desk was Albus in bright purple robes with ghastly bright yellow suns on them. The old man looked at the photographs shoved under his nose and read them carefully, he laughed "Never fear my boy I have the perfect contingency plan." Rubbing his hands together in glee he offered his spy a lemon drop, "No thank you Albus. I have some matters that need my attention." Albus waved the man of he had a lot of things to do before midnight, thus was going to be wonderful he laughed and went to the floo. He had to call his followers and execute his plan perfectly, he had planned for every situation and he had the perfect plan to counteract this scheme, it was cute to see them try though.

Just before midnight while Tom was finishing readying his forces going over the plan one final time, Dumbledore and his followers attacked. Defeating Tom's men swiftly as he had the element of surprise, Dumbledore and several of his most trusted grabbed Severus, Tom and Lucius, activating port keys they arrived in a well lit dungeon.

A/n: please vote and comment. Here's a new chapter I hope you guys enjoy it xx

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