*Living with the Dursleys*

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After Albus Dumbledore and Narcissa Malfoy had taken Adrian they had given him several permanent potions to look like Lilly and James Potter.

October 1981-Vernon Dursley had walked home from work to number four privet drive in Little Whinging.
He walked up the brick path to the front door, he stopped and stared because there on his front porch was a basket and from the sounds of it there was a baby in it! He picked up the basket and attached to the blanket was a letter.

To Mr and Mrs Dursley,
It is my solemn duty to inform you Lilly and James are dead at the hands of a dark wizard Lord Voldemort. This is Harry their son. Now I don't care what you do to him. Enclosed in an envelope is 1,000 galleons, or 500£ you will receive this stipend monthly as by our laws you are to receive recompense for care of a magical child.

Sincerely yours,
Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, wizard of merlin first class, leader of the wizengamot.

Vernon's face turned a peculiar shade of purple and his three chins wobbled furiously, "it's more like they didn't want you, you nasty little freak!" He shouted, for once unconcerned about what the neighbors thought. Petunia gasped, as she had come out to see what the hubbub was all about "Vernon! The neighbors whatever will they think?" She finally saw he held a basket in his meaty grip. "Oh dear lord Vernon what is that!"  Her voice ended in a shriek. "Well it seems your sister had a nasty, little whelp son then she inconveniently died. Now we are stuck caring for it. It's freakish like they were. Oh Petunia what are we going to do?" Vernon whined "But we will be compensated for looking after it. But still........" His voice trailed of as he looked to his skinny, horse faced wife. She had gone ghastly pale, her mouth opening and shutting like a fish. "Oh dear," she wailed "What about our poor little Duddy." She cried. By this time they had reached their kitchen not wanting the neighbors to see or hear that they had been lumped with a freak.

Harry had been changed out of his little onesie and had been changed into an old stained one of Dudley's as a new one was to good. While Petunia had been doing that Vernon had seated his bulk into a chair at the kitchen table his head in his hands, he gasped and grinned wickedly he had the perfect idea what to do with the whelp, "Petunia!" He shouted " The freak can live in the cupboard under the stairs for now so it's out of the way. When it's older it can live in the garden shed!" He smirked triumphantly, Petunia slowly nodded her head in agreement. So the poor little boy had his blanket taken from him, and was placed on a stained broken mattress, with a threadbare thin blanket with holes in it.

Over the next week the little toddler with messy black hair and emerald eyes, quickly learnt that if he cried for attention he would be smacked and placed in the cold, dusty cupboard. He barely had any food if he was fortunate enough to get some it would be a piece of plain bread twice a day and a drink if water once a day. With a reminder "Real food is to good for nasty little freaks."

Adrian was confused where had his mummy gone, the man with black laughing eyes and his daddy with his crimson eyes that always looked at him with such love and care. But he quickly learnt that calling for his 'ma' and 'da' earned him a harsh slap and a rough voice nastily reminding him "Your parents didn't want you, you nasty brat! So shut up and be grateful we took you in." He learnt to be a very quiet boy and only at night when he was supposed to be sleeping would he cry very quietly for his parents. Eventually he started to forget them, but there was always an ache in his chest and the feeling he was missing something.

By the time Harry was two and a half he already had chores to do like pick up Dudley's toys for him as the obese toddler was to lazy and spoilt to do it himself. While he picked up the toys Dudley would kick, hit and bite him if he cried because it hurt, Petunia would come sweeping in scoop up Dudley cooing over him "There there Duddykins, the nasty little freak can't hurt you anymore," she would give the boy a nasty glare and shout "What did you do to my poor little Duddy!! You nasty bad freak!" Dudley would smirk victoriously and poke his tongue out as crocodile tears streamed down his face.

Several times Harry tried to deny he had done anything but he just got shouted at and called a liar. Sometimes Petunia would have a wooden spoon and he would get beaten with it

By the time Harry was four years of age he was a gaunt, fearful little child barely saying a word. He didn't know that his name was Harry or Adrian he thought his name was 'freak', 'boy', or 'whelp' to name a few. As he was so badly malnourished he was the size of a small two year old, while Dudley was the size of a large five to six year old. He was morbidly obese already, he would be the size if not larger than his father when he matured.

A/N well that is the end of the first real chapter! Poor Harry but life is going to get worse before it gets better. In the next chapter we will see what Severus, Tom and Lucius have been getting up to. Anyway my lovelies enjoy and the next chapter will be up hopefully in the next few days.

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