Do it

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I watch her, Jade Thirlwall, as she enters he club. She looks amazing, her hair is down and her dress fits nicely aroud her small stature. She looks around her eyes meet mine. I blush. I look up and she sends me a sweet smile, I send one back. We both look down. It goes on for a while, the smiling and blushing, till I look up and see Jesy Nelson drag Jade away. I sigh and flop my head back down, I am hopeless.

"Hehehe, hey Ashton"a high-pitched voice coos, I see Calum standing in front of me. As soon as I look he looks down. He starts to twirl his imaginary hair before giggling. I groan

"You're a cock" I say punching him in the arm. 

"Why doncha just ask her out already?" Cal laughs

"Because, well, I don't know, she's just- and I'm just... she's so sweet and cute and... god" I sigh. Calum places a hand on my shoulder

"You've met already a few times, you've chatted, you are an international rock star!" he comforts me but I shrug him off. 

"So? She's so genuine and sweet, whenever we talk it's just... woah," I sigh "and look at her, she's so gorgeous" I fall back against the bar and groan.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Cal asks

"She's so genui-" I begin but Cal cuts me off

"No the last part" he says.

"Oh, she's gorgeous" I smile to myself

"Pardon?" Calum asks his eyes squinting as he cups his ear.

"She's really beautiful" I say a little louder

"Huh?" he asks

"Jade- she's beautiful!" I shout

"What?" Calum repeats. I feel anger boil inside of me, does he ever listen?

"JADE THIRLWALL IS FUCKING HOT!" I bellow, this time he hears. So does the whole club, I yelled that in the small moment of solitude when the DJ switches tracks. I feel my face grow red and Calum grins from ear to ear. He lifts a finger and gestures behind me, I turn and see Jade standing at the bar. Her face crimson as mine, she bites back a smile.

"Fuck" I whisper to myself, as Jade grabs her drink at takes a quick sip. I turn to see an empty space where Cal was.

"Thank you, for the compliment" Jade laughs

"Yeah, sorry about that" I smile nervously. Jade looks over to the corner of the club, I follow her gaze to see Jesy grinning at her. She mouths 'do it' before returning to her conversation with Leigh-Anne. I smile to myself. Jade nods and sits in front of me.

"So, uhh, would you like a drink?" she smiles, I raise my glass

"Got one already" I smile

"Oh, yeah, haha! I'm such an idiot" she groans. I shake my head

"I just screamed in a club that you were fucking hot, I'm the idiot" I laugh, Jade places a hand to her heart

"So I'm not hot, eh?" she says, her eys widening.

"N-no! You are- just- fuck! Sorry- god!" I groan throwing my head forward and groaning, I hear a sweet laugh and peer upwards. Jade sits on the bar stool, covering her mouth with her hand as she laughs. She throws her head back and starts to topple off the chair. I race forward to catch her but she's already on the floor. She's covered in her cocktail, I kneel beside her.

"Are you alright?!" I exclaim nervously, she looks up at me and a snorts a great laugh. I watch a massive snot bubble erupt from her nose and she covers it squeaking nervously. This time it's my turn to crack up, I help her to her feet.

"Crap..." I say, wiping the drink off her, I nervously wipe a large gob of ice from her chest. I realise that I just grabbed her chest and look up to see Jade biting back another smile. I turn around as I smile and grab a wad of serviettes from the bar. I wipe her off, avoiding her boobs, I finally use the lst napkin to wipe the snot off her nose and she places her head in her hands.

"What a lady, eh?" Jade laughs as she laughs. 

"Yeah!" I cackle. We start talking and then we don't stop.

I'll remember that as the time I truly met Jade Thirlwall.

good girls// jade thirlwall and ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now