Sick, Drunk Cuddles- Malum

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*Could you do a malum where Calum is really drunk and Mikey's sick and in their hotel room while Calum was drinking and when Calum comes back all he wants is to cuddle but Mikey doesn't want him to get sick but he let's Calum cuddle him anyway*


The boys wanted to go to a club tonight but my Michael was sick so he decided to stay back at the hotel to rest and watch TV or play video games. Which meant he wouldn't be there to keep an eye on his boyfriend, so the other two boys would have to keep an eye on Calum because Calum liked to get drunk and that's not good because Calum's an emotional drunk, who does anything that comes to mind. And if he doesn't get want he wants, it's either very angry Calum or teary eyed Calum.


They have been at the club for two hours already and Ashton and Luke are a bit drunk but Calum was completely drunk. In fact he was so drunk that he let people do body shots off him, which wasn't unusual but still. Now he was in the middle of the dance floor dancing without a care in the world, having the time of his life.

His two band mates were sitting on the side watching their dark haired member dance, even though they knew he would have a massive hangover tomorrow, they liked seeing him stress free even for a couple hours.

Calum stumbled and pushed his way through people towards Luke and Ashton and plopped down on Luke's lap and started giggling reaching out to grab Ashton's cheeks.

"Yowr face so mwushy" Calum giggled making Ashton giggle.

"How many drinks have you had Cal?" Luke asked.

"Defwinetly not mwore than eight, Lwukey" Calum said trying to keep a straight face, only to burst into a fit of giggles.

"Come on Cal, where gonna go back to the hotel now." Luke said pushing Calum lightly of him, so he could stand as well.

Calum pouted pulling away from Luke, "Bwut I don't wanna gwo."

Ashton grabbed him because he knew Calum was a runner.

"Don't you wanna be with Mikey, Cal?" Ashton asked knowing the boy wouldn't say no to going home now.

Calum instantly cheered up, "I wanna see Mikey."

The boys made their way to the side of the club where they wouldn't meet any photographers and catched a cab, with a happy, singing Calum. But not before putting up a fight because Calum said the driver looked at him funny. Eventually, getting him to cooperate making their way back to the hotel.


Michael was in their hotel room watching tv when he heard a knock on the door. He got up and opened the for to see his boyfriend grabbing at Luke's hair while Ashton stood in front.

"How much did he drink?" was the first thing Michael said.

"Definitely not more than eight he claimed" Ashton and Michael knowing that was a complete lie.

"Mikey, I mwissed you" Calum pushed Luke away and walked towards Michael wrapping his hands around the older boy's neck.

"I got it from here guys, thanks"

The other two boys said goodnight before walking to their own hotel room.

Michael wrapped his hand around Calum's waist and stepped back to close the door.

"I missed you to Cal but can you let go now" he said before coughing.

Calum let go then walked over to the bed sitting down before struggling to take off his shoes.

Michael chuckled at the boy who had his tongue out due to his determination before walking over to the other side of the bed. After successfully, taking of his shoes and pants Calum turned to his boyfriend who was laying too far away from him for his liking.

"Cuddle?" Calum asked with a innocent voice and the puppy dog face.

Michael shook his head, "Not tonight I don't want you to get sick also."

Calum pouted, "you don't love me."

Michael sighed, he knew how drunk emotional Calum could get.

"I do love you, that's why I don't wanna cuddle because I love you and don't want you to get sick because of me." Michael explained.

"Luke or Ashton would cuddle with me"

Michael sighed, "please just lay down and go to sleep Cal"

"No, because you won't cuddle with me and you don't love me" Calum said with teary eyes.

Michael didn't like seeing his boyfriend cry even if it was just the effect of alcohol. He should always be happy, which Michael always tried to make him.

Michael sighed, "Fine, I'll cuddle with you."

Calum smiled before getting under the covers and shuffling closer to Michael, resting his head underneath Michael chin with half his body on top of him.

Michael turnt off the beside lamp before wrapping his arms around Calum sighing in content, "Night Cal, I love you."

It was silent for awhile so Michael thought he fell asleep, so he started to fall asleep himself.

"Night, love you too Mikey" he heard Calum say snuggling closer to him, making him smile before slipping into unconsciousness.


(A/N:) Awww so cute... I like drunk emotional cuddly Calum, hope you did too, Thank you 5sos_lashton_ for requesting this!! Remember I take request so send in some!! Hope you liked it!!

-Siana :*

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