Chapter Three

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He twisted to look back and saw Téus riding up. The boy hadn't spoken much about magic to him the past couple days, and he'd been continually crushing the desire to broach the subject with Téus just as long. Now they were slightly less than two days form the Borderfolk hold, and the need to talk magic with Téus had reached new heights. But Asthané only faced forward in his saddle as the boy joined him.

"I . . . well, Géta did tell me about his Gift reaction."

Asthané didn't ask when. It didn't matter at this point. He wasn't even inclined to ask what his own musician had said about it. "The Grand Matriarch asked us to keep it a secret. She was concerned about Jinée finding out about it."

"He told me you two were working on ways for him to learn his Gifts."

Gazing ahead, Asthané didn't respond at first, thinking about what they had to do. As they'd gotten closer to the Borderfolk, they'd moved into "proper" travel formation. Néja rode at the lead of the string they'd made. Now they rode fairly close, Asthané behind Néja, and Wodé, Téus, and Lévig, respectively, behind Asthané. The reins of Géta's mount had been attached to Asthané's saddle, and the packhorse's lead to Néja's saddle.

He should perhaps have been concerned about this conversation being overheard, but Asthané honestly didn't care. The whole post knew about Géta's Gifts now, and, instead of trying to rebel against Owée and Jinée, the other Mages had only cooperated. Asthané wasn't sure what, if any, threats the women had made against the post's other Mages, but someone should have disagreed to cooperate once they realized what Owée was doing to Géta. Particularly since they'd sent Asthané out on a border patrol without his musician. So many violations of regulations, and nobody had protested or rebelled against the current existing state of affairs.

If he'd thought doing so himself would have helped any, Asthané certainly would have. He had known, however, if he'd tried to protest overmuch, he'd have been shackled and sent to the nearest city. Too far away from Géta. At least, by cooperating and leaving for what should have been six weeks of patrol south and north and south again, he'd been able to find out about Géta missing and come out here to try and rescue the boy.

Asthané nodded in response to Téus's statement, gaze on the horizon, mind focused on his musician. He still hadn't tried seeing through Enemy Mage's shield. Despite its imperfection, if he tried and accidentally did something wrong, he'd alert the other Mage to his party's approach. It was imperative they not be noticed before they started their work.

"How did he learn to manipulate the Obnubilate Codicil?"

This question startled him, and he turned his head to look at Téus. The lyre-player wore a sickly expression, but met his gaze.

Sighing, Asthané returned his gaze to the horizon as he replied. "A combination of what little I can help him with since his Gifts seem to be from Jalza and mine aren't, and heeding clues and hints and signs from the Obnubilate Codicil itself."

"What can he do?"

He frowned, wishing he had the list he'd made of Géta's gifts. He'd done it for research purposes, and sent another list off to the Grand Matriarch so she'd have an accurate idea of what Géta could do. That had been weeks ago, though.

"Géta can farsee, but usually only when I'm casting spells myself." Asthané took a deep breath and let it out, doing his best to keep himself patient. This bordered the conversation he actually wanted to have with Téus, and he longed to press the musician to do as Géta could and amplify his spells, but he didn't dare. Géta had resisted magic at the beginning; Asthané didn't want to induce Téus into the same resistance and knew already if he tried to encourage Téus in magic use, the boy would end the conversation they were having now. He couldn't let that happen—everything counted on Asthané keeping lines of communication open. So he continued, hoping this would do something to convince Téus to work magic for him.

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