Chapter Thirty

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It looked like every off duty soldier, Custodian, and post Mage who wasn't in bed or the infirmary had gathered outside between the Temple post and stables. Asthané glanced down to grab his musician's hand and gently urged their way through the crowd. When they reached the front, it was to find quite a number sitting, so he crouched to sit, pulling Géta down beside him.

From this vantage, the table brought from the dining hall was visible, as were Esqué and Colonel Iclée. They stood beside the table, one at either end, watching the crowd finish gathering. When Géta tugged on Asthané's shoulder, he leaned over.

"That's not Esqué's sword, is it?"

Asthané gave the Proxy a closer examination and saw the weapon his musician had asked about. The sword was wider than average and sheathed in brown embroidered with all the colors of the Gods. It was probably made of carved yeru wood, and the blunt blade more than likely bore a painting similar to the design embroidered on its sheath.

"That's one of the post's Standards, like the hanging on the chimney wall in the Rector's office." Asthané gave a little smile when Géta glanced at him, catching his musician's eye. "Unlike the hanging, it indicates this Temple is actually a martial outpost, on a border under constant or frequent conflict. I'm not surprised Esqué didn't hang it anywhere in view in his office or on the ground floor of the post—it's typically hung on the dining hall wall somewhere."


He glanced at his musician. "Why what?"

Géta indicated the waiting sresaph Jalza and army commander. "Why wouldn't Esqué have hung it where we could see it?"

"He doesn't agree with posting civilians on conflicted borders."

The young man nodded, facing the tableau again. Asthané followed his gaze in time to see Esqué climb onto the table. Esqué faced the crowd, holding his hands up; when silence covered his audience, he made a brief gesture with one hand as he lowered both.

"Is everyone able to hear me, even those furthest back?"

Assents came back from the crowd, with a little random clapping.

"Excellent. Well." Esqué turned a little this way and that as though observing the entirety of those who'd come to this gathering. "More than I expected have chosen to attend. Welcome to you all. Generally, passage of command at a border post such as this from civilian to military authority is not marked by any sort of ceremony. There are none in either the Temple regulations, nor in the Army's regulations. However, Colonel Iclée and I feel that it is important for our post to have such a ceremony. We have decided to do this to signify to everyone present that this border is now at peace. Also, considering the recent conflict with Inski, I most especially wished to give the civilian members of the post a distinct indication that their time as wards of the Ruphlan-Inski border is over."

Applause broke out, broken by cheers. Esqué waited until silence reigned again.

"I would like to thank all of my Custodians and Mages, without whose presence this border would have fallen. Your courage, determination, and steadfast Service to the Empire will not be forgotten. I recognize that none of you wished to face the conflict we have all here at this post survived, and I am grateful none sought to avoid Service once it was realized we would be sieged. You carry as much honor and glory as any of our Army's soldiers, simply for the fact you Served in a time of war without true intent to. Éethin has notified me your Service will be marked by a special badge we all may wear, whose design is being planned by herself and General Sonyée."

The Proxy waited for the fresh round of applause—from the soldiers—to end, then surveyed the gathering again before nodding in apparent satisfaction.

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