The King but her Hidden Prince. Chapter 5.

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"all welcome the king" a servant yelled as the carriage door opened reviling the king. "hello my people its an honour being here" the kind said with a fake smile and waved as he walked out of his carriage and soon the MP soldiers were next to him. "my king its an honour to see you and you looking so well what a relief" Mikasa said holding her princess dress and bowing to him with gray bowing behind her. "ah princess Mikasa what a disgrace you didn't greet the soldiers yet, go fix your problem now" the king yelled with anger. "yes sorry my king, I shall go introduce myself properly now" Mikasa said lifting her head then went over to the MP soldier. "my king please follow me to my office so we can talk" Erwin said with a smile and walked with the king. 

"wow its the king" christa said with a cute smile. "wow just look how many MP soldiers he bought along" Connie said shocked at how many high up MP soldiers came. "well they want to impress the king so they would only be captains or higher ups" Annie said as brushed some hair of her face. "I must say I wont mind joining the MP if they all as hot as that" sasha said with a giggled. "is boys and food the only thing you enjoy" ymir said rolling her eyes. "the king seems a little scary, I feel bad for the princess" Berthold said with worry. "I feel more worried for gray he useless right now all he can do is watch" rinner said as they watched.

"man who knew the king was such a twat" eren said with anger. "yeah I rather be eaten by a titan then be his grandchild" jean said folding her arms. "oh come on guys we need to be nice, he is the king and we cant afford making trouble" Marco said with a worried smile. "yeah Marco right even if the king is a bitch we need to be better then him" Armin said with a grin. "wow the king fucker even got Armin to hate him" hanji laughed. "yeah I guess we all hate the little shit of a king" mike laughed. "the king a dick can I kill him please" Levi said with anger. "no we cant kill the dick I thought about it and Mikasa would be blamed" farlan said with a angry smile. 

"oh man this is going to be a crappy couple of days" Mikasa said taking a breath after all the MP soldiers followed the king. "yeah we gonna need all the luck we can find" gray smiled and they began walking.


"princess Mikasa here now don't make me wait" the king order in the dinner hall during dinner.  "yes my king how can I help" Mikasa said bowing to him the best she could in the small area behind him. "how dare you think of eating in front of others, your a princess you must always look like a doll go wait outside" the king yelled and Mikasa lifted her head as he yelled. "yes my king, sorry to disappoint you" Mikasa said clutching her hand and walked out. "what a horrible and useless princess, I just hope one of you boys can fix her after marriage" the king laughed with the MPs. "my king may I take my leave please" gray asked with worry for Mikasa. "no you can stay and refill our cups" the king laughed and gray for forced to stay. 

"what a cunt" ymir said with anger. "yeah he doing this on purpose and poor gray cant go help his friend" Connie said with anger. "how will Mikasa eat, we only get a certain time to eat and then the door locks" christa said worried. "I'm not sure but the king wont let her eat in front of others at all" sasha said with worry. "I guess we just have to hope she can last" Annie said worried for once. "the king is such a dick I wont be saving him from a titan for sure" Berthold said with anger. "whoa he got Berthold angry that rare" rinner said shocked. 

"he is such a twat I hope he chokes" eren said and drank some of his water. "why don't we take him on a walk on the wall and give a little push" jean said with a grin. "not bad but wont he have his MPs guard with him ... wait no we shouldn't think of these things" Marco said with a smile then worry. "yeah we need to get rid of hid guards lets take them to the part of the wall where titans wait and give them dicks a push" Armin giggled. "hey if you lot need any help just call" hanji smiled. "yeah we say that they all slipped and your all tired to say them" mike smiled. "hey where are you going" Farlan said worried as Levi stood. "I don't for today, I'm heading back for now" Levi said and picked up his bread before leaving and everyone smiled at him. 


"shit" Mikasa yelled as she sat under a tree bench. "that dirty talk for a princess" Levi said with a hint of joy in his voice. "oh shut up" Mikasa said and turned to Levi. "may I sit princess" Levi said bowing to her and she nodded. "stop acting like a gentlemen it doesn't suit you" Mikasa giggled. "oh how painful your words are" Levi giggled back. "so how come your out here" Mikasa asked as he looked at the cloudy sky. "I came on a star walk hoping to see a pretty one" Levi lied and Mikasa looked at him like he was stupid. "really the stars" Mikasa said pointing to the cloudy sky and Levi ran out of lies. "I came to check on you, your grandpa is a real dick" Levi said as he looked ahead. "yeah he always been an ass but I'm use to him kinda" Mikasa said looking over to Levi. "you shouldn't be, oh here just don't tell on me" Levi said with a small smile and handed her the bread. "thanks but you get punished if they find out" Mikasa said as she ate it anyway. "ah I don't care and anyways I drag ya with me" Levi joked. "like hell I leave ya do die" Mikasa joked back and rested her head on his shoulder after she finished the bread.


"don't embarrass me or else I break the deal" the king said to Mikasa before walking of. "great I'm all along at this party cause gray not a captain and the king wont let the rest come" Mikasa said standing in a corner and just smiling when some MPs come over to flirt. 

"so bored just kill me now" Mikasa thought to herself as some MPs talked about how great themselves are and how Mikasa should just marry them. "excuse me please, I like to grab some water" Mikasa fake smiled and walked away.  "man this is hard" Mikasa thought to herself as he grabbed a small glass of wine. "the princess shall now pick a partner to dance with for this song" the king ordered and Mikasa went pale as all the MP captains and high ups came running for her hand. "um please calm down, I love to dance with you all but I must only pick one so lease settle down a little" Mikasa said with worry as they all coward her. "my princess please let me take your hand for this dance and blind me with your stunning beauty" a man voice said as he took Mikasa hand and dragged her to the dance floor, the voice was calming to Mikasa and she kinda like the warmth from the guy hand. "Levi" Mikasa said shocked when she finally got to see the face of the voice. "its captain Levi princess" Levi smiled and they began dancing. "I didn't think any of you would come" Mikasa smiled. "well no one was as they didn't want to be stuck with the twat king or the MP bitchs but I came for you" Levi said with a little blush. "thank you Levi your really my prince" Mikasa said and rested her head on his shoulder as they slow danced. "I'm glad I could help" Levi smiled and they danced happily to the end of the song. 

"you look good for a captain in SC" Mikasa said looking Levi up and down. "thanks I'm glad I could dress up well" Levi smirked. "so what is everyone else doing" Mikasa asked as they both looked out the window. "they all hanging out in eren and Armin cabbing playing and chilling together for now" Levi said and turned to look at Mikasa. "what" Mikasa said with a smile as she faced Levi. "your look really pretty tonight Mikasa" Levi said blushing a little. "thanks, I guess we both are looking good together" Mikasa blushed. 

"who is that man" the king asked one of his servants. "I go find out my king" the male servant said before leaving. "it seems they get on too well, I wonder if she shall choice him" the king smiled not realising Levi was from the SC. 

"shall we have another dance my prince" Mikasa smile and put her hand out. "it will be an honour to dance with such a shining princess" Levi said with a grin and took her hand. "this is really fun" Mikasa said with a grin. "yeah we should do this again" Levi smiled. "yeah but maybe when I'm not a princess nor when the king here" Mikasa giggled. "good Idea, how about we throw a party after he leaves" Levi smiled. "sure sounds fine captain" Mikasa grinned and they dances joyfully together. 

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