Smile. Chapter 13.

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"after we got the letter the commander let the mission finish early so we rushed here did we make it" jean said out of breath. "where is she, is she ok, what happening" eren said panicking all over the place. "i dont know what happening, they rushed her into that room and no one allowed to enter until the doctor says" gray said worried. "oh man i hope we wont too late, mikasa strong so she gonna be fine right" Armin said with a worried smile. "she still calls me her big brother but how can i ever forgive myself if we didnt get here in time" Farlan cried in the room and most of them started crying with him. "hey mikasa the strongest out of all and she the queen so she gonna pull though so we need to smile for us" Marco said with a smile and everyone nodded.

"oh great they the soldiers protecting humanity from titans god help us" the kind said shaking his head at the group.


"mikasa" Levi yelled as he ran into the room with worry. "Levi" mikasa said with a faint smile. "I'm sorry, what about the child" Levi said with worry and fear. "I'm sorry Levi but the child" Mikasa said and frowned. "I'm so sorry mikasa, but its not your fault" Levi cried and hugged mikasa tight. "no i think we both to blame" mikasa said and hugged Levi tighter. "i should have stayed like a true king and protected you" Levi cried. "I'm the true queen so only i need to stay here and you need to protect the towns for me" mikasa smiled. "mikasa i love you" Levi said with a small smile and kissed mikasa. 

"mika and lavi" mikasa giggled. "what are you talking about, are they who ran into" Levi said with anger. "nope they the names of our children" mikasa smiled. "what two not one" Levi said shocked. "we have no child but children Levi" mikasa grinned. "two oh my" Levi smiled and hugged mikasa. "yep, a boy and a girl, we had twins" mikasa smiled and kissed Levi. "can I see them" Levi smiled and the nurse carried two small babies over. "so mika and lavi cute names" Levi smiled. "yeah I call the boy mika and the girl is lavi" mikasa smiled and they both took turns holding the children. 

"I'm so happy" Levi cried tears of joy. "yeah we got our perfect family" mikasa smiled. "oh they got our beauty for sure, just look how beautiful they are" Levi giggled as he hugged his children. "yeah and they have our strength, earlier after they were born it took two nurse to make them leg go of my arms" mikasa smiled. "oh they perfect" Levi giggled. "we better let the rest in" mikasa smiled and the soon the doors were open. 

"so what happened, is the  child ok" jean said worried. "why dont you meet mika and lavi are wonderful children" Levi smiled and held both of them to show. "twin wow that's amazing" Marco smiled. "the boy is mika and the girl lavi, they my beautiful little angles" mikasa grinned. "wow they so cute, I just wanna poke those cheeks" Armin giggled. "they truly wonderful mikasa" Farlan smiled and hugged mikasa. "oh man I'm so happy I might cry" eren said holding back his tears. "we men we cant cry over something so pure and pretty" gray said crying joyfully. 

"oh man they so gorgeous but man I feel old now" the king said as he looked at the twins.  


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