GoodBye. Chapter 8.

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"let me have one week of freedom and then I take your hand without no problems" mikasa said looking at her feet. "sure I guess I let you have a little freedom before you got to say goodbye" captain peter said with a smile. "thank you captain peter" mikasa said bowing. "remember once we tell the king you be calling me peter princess" captain peter said with a grin and walked out. "yes I know" mikasa said holding her arm as she watch him leave. 

"well at least you get a week to spend and make memories" gray said with a smile as he walked out of his hiding place. "yeah but after this week I be tied to that man forever" mikasa said looking out the window. "well true but just enjoy the time you got left with those guys I'm sure you miss it when your gone" gray said with a sweet smile. "yeah thanks well lets go hang with them" mikasa said and they left. 


"did you hear we got a mission coming up soon" Annie said as she tuck her hair back. "what no way" Sasha said shocked. "yeah we over heard the commander talking with captain hanji and captain mike" rinner said with a smile. "but because of the king we not had much training done" christa said worried. "yeah I guess they just going to send us out anyways even if we out of shape" ymir said looking around. "but some many will be killed this rate" Connie said with anger. "we cant break orders so lets just hope for the best" Berthold said with a kind smile. 

"hey do you really think they gonna send us out so soon after the king leaves" jean said worried. "they dont have much choice the king wants us to show him our strength and a mission is all the commander can do" Marco said with a small smile. "but we not trained so we wont be as good it being sending a kitten to fight a wolf" eren said with anger. "we cant help it being this way everyone hands are tied by the king" Armin said with a sad smile. 

"right I be meeting with the king now" Erwin said as he ran out the room.  "I know the king gave Erwin orders but we be wiped out so easy" hanji said worried. "yeah there must be a way we can hold the mission to get everyone training again because of the king all soldiers are only doing light training" mike said with a worried smile. "once the king made up his mind not much can change it sadly we just got to hope we over worrying" farlan said with a frown. "but wont princess mikasa be joining us so why would he put her endanger" Levi said with a little worry.

"you hear that, seems like the king sent all the SC soldiers to death" captain peter laughed as he walked past with some other MP captains and they all laughed. "that's enough captain peter dying soldiers is a horrible topic so would you please keep your manners" mikasa said with her hands on her hips. "sorry princess but dont get to high cause soon you be chained" captain perter said with a smile and walked away. "that dick he doing on purpose knowing you cant fight back.  "lets just go meet with the king before he sends soldiers to get me" mikasa said walking ahead. "yes princess" gray frowned and the captains just stood there shocked. 

Mikasa and gray had many great and fun times with everyone during the week. Mikasa and Levi got even closer and laughed with each other more. Everyone was happy and always smiling when they were together so mikasa never told them the truth. 


"why the hell is every soldier here" Connie said in a grumps. "not sure but look at those hotties" Sasha said staring at the MP captains. "by the looks I bet its something important" ymir said guessing what will happen. "yeah everyone here so I wonder what's so important" rinner said with a grin. "If I'm right its more sad then happy" Berthold said with tears forming. "yeah even I feel bad for her" Annie said hugging Berthold. 

"I wonder why everyone here" mike said looking around. "just whatever you do make sure you behave and cheer" Erwin said with a frown. "what going to happen commander" hanji said worried.

"hello soldiers I bring great news" the king yelled with a grin and mikasa bowed on the stage. "princess mikasa will be marrying captain perter" the king said with a smile and clapped making the soldiers clap with him. "I leave the rest to you captain" the king laughed and stepping back. "I know it must be a shocked to you all but princess mikasa and I fell in love so we decided to marry earlier then the king plan" captain perter said with a huge smile and put his hand out for mikasa to take and so she did. "why dont you say something princess mikasa" the king said with a grin.  "thank you all for taking care of me and I hope you can keep protecting me and my soon to be husband who I love" mikasa said with a fake princess smile and held back her tears.  "well as this is a special day I have made plans for a small party so all soldier enjoy" the king yelled and music played. 

"marry" jean said shocked. "wait so mikasa going to marry captain peter but he so mean" Marco said with tears. "no this must be a lie, this cant be true mikasa had two years of being free why would she give up for the likes of him" eren yelled with anger. "I'm sure mikasa will explain everything to us so lets just wait for her" Armin said trying to hold back his tears.

"why the hell would mikasa marry him, this must be a bad prank or something right" Farlan said on his knees crying. "no I can promise this is not a prank .. mikasa will being marrying captain peter and start a family" gray said crying hard. "mikasa" Levi said and for once he truly cried.

"I'm so happy you found a good man to marry, he would have been my choice if you failed" the king said with a grin. "I'm glad you are happy my king" mikasa said keeping a fake face on. "I wanted you to marry him but you still had two years of freedom so I dont mind if the marriage waits that long" the king said with a smile. "that very kind of you my king but sadly I cant wait that long" mikasa said gripping her dress. "I want you to be queen and have a great husband but you can still choice" the king said with worry. "sadly I much stick with my choice" mikasa said looking down. "did he do something cause I seen true love before by your parents and this seems like force so tell me the truth and I help .. I might be a mean dick king but I do love you mikasa as my granddaughter" the kind said with a kind smile and mikasa was shocked to hear. "princess mikasa, wont you join me for a walk" captain peter said with a smile for some steps away. "yes captain peter I love to" mikasa said bowing. "mikasa" the king said with worry. "sorry granddad" mikasa said not turning back but just kept talking.


"soldier gray" the king said with his arms crossed making gray jump from the group. "my king sorry did you need me" gray said bowing. "no but tell me about mikasa" the king said with worry in his eyes and the group was shocked. "my king she happy in love with captain peter" gray said not looking up as he promised mikasa not to tell. "gray you been friends with my only granddaughter since you were a young teen so I can tell when you both lie to me" the king yelled and gray looked up. "I'm sorry my king" gray said with tears and shocked the group more. "what the hell happened tell me" the king ordered. "I cant" gray said looking down. " I see well then I guess I just have to stop the wedding myself and see what happens" the king said with a grin. "no you cant you cant stop him or the deal be broken" gray said with worry. "oh a deal you say, now tell me about this deal" the king smirked and gray realised he fell for the trap. "mikasa" gray yelled as he ran away with full speed. Leaving the group behind shocked and worried. 

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