A Visit. Chapter 10.

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"mikasa" Gray yelled with a huge grin and rushed though mikasa bedroom door. "what is it" Mikasa said a little shocked. "they coming they fucking coming here" Gray said cheered and he looked like a little kid. "ok gray take a breath and tell me so i would understand" mikasa said with a small smile. "right sorry i got a little excited when i overheard the captain" gray giggled and took a breath. "its fine so tell me what made you so excited" mikasa said walking over. 

"so as i was doing my guard duties i over heard the captain talking to the king and it seems that there will be a meeting for everyone and everyone different army will be here for two days so that means the SC will be here as well" gray said with a grin. "wait really" mikasa said surprised. "that's what i heard and as its a group meeting it means no one can stop or order you to stay away from them" Gray said proudly. "so that captain peter cant control you for two days while they here as he be here for MP business and that makes you free" gray said with a smirk. "yes thank you so much" mikasa yelled and hugged gray before putting her arms in the end. 

"i see you two seem to heard the news" the king laughed in the door way. "my king" mikasa said shocked and she and gray both bowed. "no need for that" the king said rolling his eyes. "yes my king" gray said and they stood. "so how did you guys find out before i got to tell you" the king said as he crossed his arms and looked at them. "news what news" mikasa said looking away and the king laughed. "well enjoy it but remember they here for business for me so no trouble .. that for both of you" the king said before leaving.


"Holly shit look how big this place is" eren said excited. "yeah how do they not get lost here" jean cheered. "because they live here, you dont get lost in your own house right" Marco smiled. "plus I'm sure once you get use to it your find it easy just like coming to SC camp for the first time" Armin giggled at the boys. "behave you lot, your just here and guard soldiers" mike said with a grin. "oh let them have fun this place is awesome" hanji yelled with a grin. "we still got to look good in front of every other soldier so calm down you lot" Erwin said with worry. "this place it pretty cool, you lived here" Levi said looking around. "it just looks cool, living here it really different" Farlan smiled and everyone looked back. 

"hello everyone, i be your guide for these two days" mikasa said with a smile and stood in front of them all. "but please remember she still the princess" gray laughed as most of the group ran over to her and hugged her to death.

"its great to see you both, i be going on ahead" Erwin smiled. "i come along as well" mike smiled. "yeah i want to meet important MP as well" hanji smiled and went with him.

"wow mikasa its been ages" jean smiled. "you both look well I'm glad" Marco grinned. "thanks and look at you guys, you all seem so important in that posh uniform" gray smiled. "says you, look at your normal guard uniform" Armin smiled. "its really great to see you both" eren smiled. 

"I'm glad we got to see you lot again, we missed you all" mikasa smiled. "I'm glad your doing well and we seen the news you be a great queen I'm sure" Farlan smiled and hugged mikasa. "we better getting going follow me please" Gray smiled and they all started walked leaving a certain two behind. 

"you look as pretty as always" Levi said with a small smile. "thanks and it seems your doing well and thanks to you yet again the last SC mission went well" mikasa said looking at him. "thanks its just my job, you doing well keeping these walls alive" Levi smiled. "thanks I'm glad i got to see you again" mikasa smiled. "yeah I'm happy i was able to see you once again mikasa" Levi smirked. "i hope your doing well" mikasa asked. "yeah I'm doing well, what about you" Levi asked and looked to mikasa. "oh I'm doing well thanks" mikasa smiled.

"so how come you helping us out, the king wanted to call the meeting right" Levi asked a little puzzled. "i wanted to be able to see you ... i mean all of you again so i got the job as your guide" mikasa blushed. "I'm glad you did" Levi laughed. "well i better get you to the meeting place before your late" mikasa said and they started walking. "so about the wedding" Levi started asked but stopped when he saw mikasa hurt expression. "we dont have a date for the wedding yet but lets not think about that why we together please" mikasa said and Levi nodded. 

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