A Baby. Chapter 12.

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"so are we really going" gray asked with a worried smile. "yeah they should be coming back from the three months mission tomorrow so i want to see them return" mikasa said as she was finding the old SC uniform she had. "i dont think that will fit right now and i think it best if you just dress in your princess dress for now" gray smiled and mikasa nodded. "its wired I'm nervous but I'm excited about going" mikasa said with a smile. "yeah love can make our feelings go for a ride" gray laughed. "hey you think he be happy when i tell him or do you think he leave me behind" mikasa said a little scared. "no way he a great man who loves you I'm sure he wont let you go no mater what and if he dose i punch him for sure" gray said with a huge grin and mikasa giggle. "make that two of us, if he hurt little mikasa i give him a proper punch and more" the king said proudly in the door way. "i like to see that but i wont want him to leave me" mikasa said with a smile and stood. "you gave a great trip and dont let anyone stop you" the king said with a smile. "we only be gone two days and one night so its not much of a trip" mikasa said rolling her eyes. "its still a little bit of a trip plus you get to see him" gray smiled and they kept packing. "you better keep her safe or i punch you and more" the king said with worry and waved as he left. "yes my king" gray said with a little fear.


"put everything away and you all can rest for a week" Erwin yelled as they entered the walls. "was all the death worth a failed mission" mike said with sadness. "i dont know how it could go so wrong in one go" hanji said trying to stay strong.

"oh man what a rough mission" eren moaned as they walked beside there horses into the gate. "tell me about it, i dont even want to know the number of soldiers we lost" jean said with a frown. "its gonna be high after all those abnormal titans gang up together" Armin said wiping his head for sweat. "i feel bad for the families who be told the lie that their child was a hero as our mission was a fail" Marco said with worry. 

"oh god look at them all, they must have taken a big hit" gray said with a frown as he watched the injured bloody defeated soldiers walk past. "where is everyone, they made it right" mikasa said worried and held her belly a little. 

"so what will you do about the princess" farlan asked with worry. "what do you mean, we just got back from a horrible mission why bring her up" Levi said puzzled but farlan just pointed with his head at mikasa in the grass and Levi eyes widen.

"i think its best we wait until they put everyone thing away and change before trying to find them" gray said with worry. "yeah they might not want us seeing them like this, lets wait here until then" mikasa said and they sat in the grass looking at the sky. 


"mikasa, gray why are you here" jean said with a smile as the group walked over. "we came to welcome you back and to tell you the news before the towns find out" gray smiled and helped mikasa up and they watched the groups eyes widen. "no way congrats mikasa" Marco said with a grin and gave mikasa a hug. "this is so cool, is it a boy or girl got any names" eren said excited and hug mikasa. "idiot its too early to tell if its a girl or boy, and wow mikasa this is amazing" Armin said with a huge grin. "so you came to tell us before the news get told to the towns, thanks this is truly great mikasa" Farlan said with a sweet smile and hugged mikasa longer then the rest. "thanks i was gonna write a letter but i wanted to tell you all in person, I'm four months" mikasa said with a smile. "wow that's great news mikasa, I'm sure you and peter will be great parents" Levi said with a small smile and the whole group sent him death glares for saying that. "idiot, dont listen to him mikasa, he too slow to guess" farlan smiled and kissed his sister head. "if you ever need any help we happy to" Marco said with a smile. "yeah we be glad to help you and the baby out anytime" jean smiled. "well mikasa also got you all lifetime pass to enter the castle whenever so you could visit at any time on any day" gray smiled and handed them out. "wow this is amazing thanks so much, we use them so much to see you and soon the baby" eren cheered. "man we feel like a wild family again" Armin said with a smile and help back happy tears. "but um Levi may i talk to you alone as i dont think you guessed it yet" mikasa said with a small smile. "sure but i dont understand why they all looking at me like an idiot" Levi said and lead mikasa to his office.

"so you think he guess it or what" jean said with a grin. "no way mikasa will have to tell him flat out" gray smiled. "yeah like I'm an idiot but even i guessed who the dad would be" eren laughed. "well there was only one person close to her four months ago and they both had smiles of there face for days after" Armin giggled. "poor mikasa, it gonna be hard telling him so he understands" Marco smiled and the group nodded.


"so what do you need to talk about" Levi said a little upset but tried hiding it. "Levi are you happy I'm going to be a mother" mikasa asked with a smile. "sure I'm glad you gonna be a mother it just i dont agree with the farther" Levi said and mikasa giggled. "can i tell you about the farther" mikasa asked with a grin. "i already know he an ass but go ahead" Levi said rolling his eyes. "well he strong and handsome, he lose his cool sometimes but he always protects others and he is the most amazing man i ever met, i truly love this man with all my heart i would even give my life so he could live and smile" Mikasa said with a loving smile and Levi looked at her. "he protects everyone inside these walls and always go running into danger without thinking and he does worry me about he might never return but i believe he will always come home to me no matter what and every time i think of this man i smile and feel loved " mikasa smiled and looked at Levi you was stunned. "so you truly love this man" Levi said feeling hurt mikasa replaced him. 

"ask his name Levi please" mikasa asked with a small smile. "i already know his name its that dick captain peter" Levi snapped. "please ask me the name Levi" mikasa smiled. "fine what his name" Levi said sitting down. "this wonderful man who soon be a farther is called Levi" mikasa smiled a loving smile and Levi stood in shocked. "I'm the dad" Levi said shocked. "yep, i not seen peter in four months so he could never be the dad, only you" mikasa smiled and Levi ran over to hug mikasa tight. "I'm the dad" Levi cheered. 

"so are you happy Levi" mikasa asked with a smile and held her belly. "yes I'm super excited, I'm going to be a farther and the mother is the only women i ever love" Levi cheered. "I'm glad, i also got some more good news" mikasa said with a giggle. "what" Levi said with a smile and kissed mikasa and rubbed her belly. "Levi would you take my hand become my husband" mikasa asked with a kind smile and Levi just looked at her. "yes i love too but what about peter" Levi said worried. "he found a girl he loves so we agree to end it" mikasa grinned. "what about the king he hates me" Levi said worried. "your a captain so i can marry you" mikasa giggled and Levi hugged her again shouting "yes".  "well Levi never know i lied about not seeing him in four months so I'm glad" mikasa thought to herself and smiled as she saw Levi check her belly out. 


"mikasa what did you call for" peter said as he met her in the garden. "i want to break our deal and live our own life's" mikasa said as she sat on the bench. "i agree" peter smiled. "wait really that was easy" mikasa said shocked. "well during my MP patrol i saved a women and we hit it of" peter smirked. "I'm glad, i found someone i truly love and i wouldn't be able to marry you anyway" mikasa said looking to the sky. "well lets hope both of us have luck with our love ones" peter laughed with mikasa. "will you still keep farlan secret" mikasa said worried. "sure i wont do something like that, I'm changing for the one i love" peter smiled. "she sounds like a good girl, i hope you guys are happy" mikasa smiled. "thanks well this is goodbye i guess, good luck in your life and if you ever need help I'm come running princess" peter smiled and stood. "goodbye and if you run into trouble i be glad to help" mikasa smiled and stood. "oh good luck on trying to catch the captain heart" peter laughed and ran off. 

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