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Star was right about there being a nasty storm, to my disdain. The rain pounded against the side of the mall and poured in through the almost nonexistent ceiling and lightning crackled through the sky. Star had all the Xi Blues move down to the third floor where they had the most cover from nature's wrath. Dane managed to get a hold of Marcy and Bo, who had been keeping a short leash — literally — on Falcon. The dog had spent the last day and a half wandering about the mall, but Bo convinced Dane to keep him with him at all times "just in case something bad happens."

I glance down at the rain ricocheting off the concrete and onto my feet with a blank expression. I opted out of congregating on the third floor with everyone else, reassuring Bo that the storm wouldn't sweep me away. Dane just looked at me with furrowed eyebrows but didn't say anything as I trekked away from him and the Xi Blues. I knew how he felt about sticking together, but I just couldn't stand being a sitting duck like that in the same room as Star and the rest of the Blues. Instead, I found myself on the ground floor at the main entrance of the mall.

Something pricks at the back of my mind suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts. I straighten up and reach my mind out towards whoever's sneaking up behind me. Fast-paced images of memories flash past my eyes, memories of a small dark haired boy banging away at a toy drum kit, a memory of the same boy a few years older sitting at a desk and talking to a girl. In every memory his face is hard to distinguish, but suddenly it's like the flood gates open and memory after memory after memory washes over me. Images of him being chained up and pushed around. Him crying over a small boy's dead body. Blood. Lots of blood. Severe loneliness and pure dread and pain blossom in my gut like I'm feeling exactly what this person felt in these nightmarish memories.

I force myself out of the unending tunnel of horrible memories with a violent shiver.

"Hey, you okay?" Dane asks as he sits beside me. I peer over my shoulder at him and nod over-enthusiastically, unable to believe what I just saw.

"Hm? Yeah." I squeeze my eyes shut to try to forget the private memory I just witnessed, but the images of the boy sitting next to me as he suffered through so much pain and loss ingrains itself into my brain. "What're you doing out here?"

"Needed a change of scenery I guess."

My mind reaches out to his on its own accord, and I have to squeeze my hands together and grit my teeth in concentration to keep myself from delving back into his mind. I've never had so much trouble containing my Orange abilities; it's always been my Red powers that have been uncontrollable. It's times like these I truly wished I only had one ability like everyone else.

"Where's Bo and Marcy? And Falcon?" I ask, my voice slightly strained. Thankfully, Dane doesn't notice.

"They're fine, I figured they could survive a couple minutes by themselves."

I take the time to study the boy beside me — really study him. His face reflects nonchalance and carelessness, but based on the incessant tapping of his fingers against his leg, I realize he isn't letting on to how he really feels. I know how much he hates the idea of splitting up, so his must be tearing him apart being away from Marcy, Bo, and probably even Falcon. I divert my attention from him to the floor in front of my feet.

"You should probably go back and be with them."

"I know," he replies without missing a beat. "Not without you, though. You're part of the family, too." I look up at him to see a sincere expression painted over his features.

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