Meeting Them

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Arthur Hastings

You were skipping around wellington wells, minding your own business until a man ran into you, causing the both of you to fall to the ground. You rubbed you head and glanced at the man.

"I'm so sorry sir! Here, let me help you." You apologized, keeping your usual smile as you helped the man to his feet. The man put on a nervous smile and thanked you. That's when someone shouted, "There he is! The downer!" You instantly stared to panic, searching for the downer. That's when you noticed everyone staring at the man, weapons in hand. You glanced at the man before he ran off, a few wellies following him.

Sally Boyle

You were one of the newest Bobbies and have been working for only a few weeks now. You really enjoyed patrolling the streets and keeping others safe. The other bobbies were also really kind to you. After a while, one of them thought to introduce you to Sally. So as the bobby was going to retrieve the blackberry joy, he invited you to tag along. Once you got there, Sally noticed how different you were from the other bobbies. You didn't really want to try the blackberry joy, but you and Sally did have a pleasant chat.

Ollie Starkey

You were somewhat new to the Garden District and you weren't really adapting well. You were way to trusting and easy to trick, which many wastrels took advantage of. To be honest, you didn't know how you weren't dead yet. One day, some guy convinced you to go inside the old train station. You hesitantly searched the station, coming across a few useful items. Everything seemed fine until you ran into a strange man. He didn't notice you since he was to busy speaking to no one. You didn't wish to interrupt him, since he could be hostile, so you attempted to sneak out of the station. But the man turned around at the worst time, right when you were next to the door.

"Hey! You assholes aren't welcome here!" The man shouted, grabbing the closest weapon to him and running towards you. You covered your face, accepting your fate, but noticed that the man stopped in front of you. He was looking to the side and slowly put his weapon down.

"You're right." He muttered. He then stared at you.

"Who are you?"


You were wondering around the town when you spotted a strange lady running down the street. Her outfit slightly torn and she looked terrified. You knew she was off her joy, but before you could react, she was already right in front of you with a cricket bat. Next thing you knew, you were on the ground. The Lady stood above you and tried to hit you again, but this time you grabbed hold of the cricket bat. She tried to retrieve her weapon, but was tackled by a nearby bobby before she could. You scrambled to your feet and watched as the bobby knocked her out. He then stood up and asked if you were alright.

"Y-Yes sir. Thank you so much!"

"No problem ma'am/sir. Just doing my job." After that, you and the bobby talked for a while until curfew.

Joy Doctor

You were trying your best to blend in with everyone despite being off your joy. It was slightly difficult, but as long as you constantly talked to people and forced a smile, you were good. That was until you ran into a joy doctor. The doctor was able to tell you were off your joy, but you didn't seem hostile or depressed. So the doctor hesitantly approached you and tapped your shoulder.

"Miss/Sir. You haven't taken your joy." The doctor reminded you, making sure to talk were no one could here him. You fearfully glanced at him with a nervous smile.

"O-Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me." You stuttered out, taking out a joy pill and shoving it into your mouth. The doctor smiles and nods before walking off. Once he was out of sight, you spit the pill out.

Uncle Jack

Everyone in Wellington Wells knows who Uncle Jack is. He was everywhere! I mean, who didn't adore his show. Well, you didn't really care for his show, which was very shocking. It wasn't that it was bad, you did enjoy watching it, but sometimes you wish there was something else to watch. One day you were walking to the store when you saw a group of people surrounding someone. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was the infamous Uncle Jack. He tried his best to calm everyone down and push through the crowd, but everyone wanted to talk to him. You decided to help the poor guy. You walked a bit closer to the crowd and shouted, "Downer!" while pointing down the road. The nearby Bobbies rushed down the street in search of the downer as the wellies either ran off in fear or followed the bobbies. Jack smiled and looked your way, only to see you were gone.

I know these aren't all the characters. If you've read any of my other boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios, I usual start with a certain amount of characters and add more over time.

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