they never knew my struggle

21 2 5

School is terrible. I'm doing so bad compared to other years and idk what to do.

I'm not making any friends and I mean, I guess that doesn't matter but like.. I at least want another person to talk to or even if we don't talk I just want to sit with them.

My mom was asking me what's wrong or if something's happening because she doesn't want the same thing that happens last time* to happen again

*bullying incident that led to other stuff. I think I mentioned it in one of the other entries

And no, nothing has happened. I've only been in school for 2 weeks and school has been in session for 6.
I'm feeling sad again.  No, I'm not being bullied.
I don't think I actually ever did get better. I have nobody to talk to. Sure, sometimes there's a little "hello" from someone or a "how are are you" from my English teacher, but I still have...nobody.

I've been failing all my tests/quizzes. I've been forgetting things at home that i need for school.

I don't like this.

now imagine highschool?

it's only going to get harder from here.

I'm not ready

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