Chapter 2

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"Assistant Kang, how are MC and Luciel doing?" Jumin asked, just as his assistant left a report on his desk.

"Oh, I was actually in the chat room with them a minute ago. They seem to be in high spirits, and they even posted a photo in which they are together."

"I see. I will open the chat room soon, right after I'm done with this report. Thank you, Assistant Kang. You can go back to work."

"Yes, Sir."

Jumin did say that, but he was very curious about MC's appearance. He had gotten quite close to her in the few days they had known each other. He didn't have a habit of allowing people into his personal life, but MC felt different, like she was special. Jumin was actually very interested in learning what exactly she finds in Luciel. Maybe, unlike the rest of them, she actually understood what the peculiar hacker was all about. Jumin smiled to himself and closed the folder with the report. He wasn't really paying attention to it anyway.

'Work will have to wait just a bit.' he thought to himself, surprised by his own inability to focus on his duties.

Jumin grabbed his phone and opened the RFA app. He started reading the conversations he missed, just like he always did, and once he finally glanced upon the photo of the couple, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"That's not possible... Is it?" Jumin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But, if she's MC, then why?"

Jumin stopped to think for a bit.

"Hmm, that explains why she knew my name and her manner of speaking, but why would she come to C & R of all places and run away from me? I was just someone she met recently. Unless... there is something more I don't know. Tch, I can't just sit around in attempts to figure out the mystery by myself."

Jumin completely forgot about his report while he waited for the person he was calling to pick up. He let out a deep breath when he heard the voice of his friend.

"Hello, V. I apologize if I disturbed you, but I have something to ask you that can't wait. I... need you to tell me the address to Rika's apartment. Yes, I am aware that's classified information. I wouldn't be asking you for it unless I had a very good reason to do so. I have to speak with MC in person before she leaves tomorrow with Luciel. V, don't make me call Luciel...I know I can get the address out of him in exchange for...—Jumin gulped hard—a day with Elizabeth the 3rd...Yes, V, it really is that important. Thank you... You can trust me with the information. I promise you, I won't let anything bad happen to either one of them. Stay safe yourself, V." Jumin hung up.

"I know I promised you, but I myself don't know what will happen after I learn the truth... Still, it could be something completely trivial. Yes, that's probably it. I don't even know why I'm going to such lengths... All I am sure of is that I want to know the truth, whatever it is."

Jumin notified Driver Kim about his departure and exited his office afterwards.

"Assistant Kang, reschedule all my meetings and leave all important and pending documents on my desk. I will catch up on all my work tomorrow."

"W-wait, Mr. Han! Those are important meetings!" Jaehee jumped up. But Jumin didn't wait for her to finish, nor did he pay any attention to her attempts to call out to him. Jaehee slumped back in her chair with a terrified expression. "What is he up to now...?" She took a deep breath and began to make all the required calls.


"Saeyoung, dear, do you mind opening the door? My hands are full at the moment." MC called out to him from the kitchen.

"Alright, no worries!" He answered her and headed for the front door.

'I wonder who that could be,' Seven thought to himself.

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