Chapter 6

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MC was panting hard, unable to properly catch her breath. Her legs had almost given up at the brink of exhaustion, but she refused to stop running. She wanted to be alone; she wanted to escape from everything and everyone.

After the tragic incident, Jumin had offered, or more like insisted, that she stay with him in his penthouse until she recovered from the shock. MC could no longer "Reset" like before. She was trapped in Jumin's golden cage, unable to properly face him—or herself, for that matter. All she could do was lock herself away, but that didn't stop Jumin's attempts to try and help her in any possible way. It's not like she blamed him; she understood his actions, but at the same time, she knew she didn't deserve them. The weight of being responsible for everything that happened to the two men she loved was too much for her. In the end, she found a way to sneak out and escape the penthouse. It wasn't a walk in the park, but she already knew her way around thanks to her previous stay there. If Jumin refused to face the reality of their situation, then she had to do it for both of them. That's what she thought while running away in the dark night. Thick clouds covered the night sky, and in no time MC could feel the quiet patter of rain on her skin. She gradually slowed her movements. Thus, her legs gave out, and she collapsed on the ground. The cold rain kept sending shivers all over her body, but she didn't mind. She actually felt at ease among the peacefulness and serenity of the rain and closed her eyes to completely immerse herself in the feeling. Once she opened them again, MC looked around. She wasn't familiar with her surroundings, but from the looks of it, it seemed like she was in the middle of a small playground. MC ignored the shaking in her legs and stood up to move her body towards the swing set. After sitting down, she let out a long sigh.

"I haven't done this ever since I was a child..." A small smile spread on MC's face, but that slip of emotion was enough to unlatch the rest of the feelings she kept hidden inside. The rain was no longer the only thing sliding down her face. Tears were now merging with the drops of rain. MC knew crying won't fix anything, but she couldn't help it. The guilt and pain were suffocating her to the point where she didn't know what else to do. Saeyoung's death would haunt her forever. She was willing to accept that because she felt responsible. The rain had calmed down. MC looked up at the night sky, but there were no stars. Only the moon was giving off a warm glow. "Saeyoung... How I wish you were still alive." MC uttered her deepest and most honest desire.

It was a matter of seconds before everything around her disappeared and warped into a confusing dream-like setting. MC rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"What the hell..."

"I have been waiting for you, my dear." A voice behind her startled MC, and she turned around. She was faced with the same tall, slender man from her dream. His clothing looked quite peculiar, and he had long white hair. 'He looks quite beautiful' MC noticed, but quickly chased those thoughts away. Her initial shock quickly transformed into a relaxed smile. "So, that's what this is? I'm dreaming again."

He let out a low chuckle at her words.

"Do you really believe that?" The man gazed at her intently, his purple irises emitting a strange aura.

In her confused state, MC almost believed that she actually knew him. Really, after everything that's been happening to her, that would be the least surprising fact. She willed herself to stop staring at him.

"Who are you?" She looked around. "And what is this place?" The man closed his eyes, a satisfied grin playing out on his lips. He knew that would irritate MC even further, and that's precisely what he was counting on. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing, actually. After all these years, I have grown tired of the same old situation. You people are so simple-minded. It's the same thing over and over again. Everyone gets defensive whenever they stand before me. It's quite tiring. I would appreciate it if someone entertained me for a change."

"Seriously..." At this point, more than anything else, MC was getting tired of the conversation. Her mind and body were so emotionally drained that she didn't really have the patience to play along with this strange man's riddles or humor him in any way. Though she did notice a tiny change. She was a bit more relaxed. Was it because of his presence? Or maybe it was a trick of the mind? Nah, she was just tired. Tired of everything. Yes, that was definitely the reason. "I don't really understand what's happening or why you keep appearing in front of me. First in my dream, and now this. And it doesn't seem like you are planning to give me a decent explanation. From what you told me, it seems like I've met you before, but I have no recollection of such a meeting." 'I have only been running away. The least I can do is try and put things in order.' "If I ask you nicely, will you answer my questions?"

The man seemed pleased with her sudden change. He didn't expect it, but it made things much better.

"You have truly changed a lot since our last meeting. I must say, I am quite surprised, but I shouldn't expect less from you. After all, that's why I got interested in you in the first place. You've always had a lot of potential. I am happy to finally see it unravel." The man moved closer to MC, but this time she didn't even flinch. "Since you managed to please me so far, I will answer some of your questions."

MC's heart started beating a bit faster. She wanted to believe that this was the explanation she had been anticipating for so long.

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