Chapter 7 (Final Chapter)

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"Where could that girl possibly be??" Jumin had already checked the entire neighborhood. He had sent countless bodyguards in search of MC, and since he couldn't just stay still, he went on his own search. He couldn't wrap his head around her departure. How did she even manage to slip out without alarming any of the bodyguards? Why would she run away in the first place? Sure, Jumin was aware of her current psychological state. After all, she witnessed the murder of the man she loved. He was usually clueless about other people's feelings. Hell, he wasn't even aware of his own most of the time. But in this case, he didn't need a professional to tell him what she was experiencing. What surprised him was that MC stopped him from sending Saeran to prison for his crime. She insisted he needs medical help, and even though Jumin couldn't really understand her point of view, he respected it, and that's exactly what he did. Yes, he knew all of that, but he thought MC was getting better. Jumin had decided to give her more time, in hopes they could start over and live a happy life together. But now he wasn't so sure things would go the way he imagined them. For now, he had to do his best to find her.

"MC!" Jumin called out her name once more, not worried he might disturb someone since it was already late at night, but to no avail. There was simply no trace of her.


"I knew you would come back eventually. Everyone does it when they need something. You see, my dear, I make people's wishes come true. Throughout the years I've been called many names, but I'm mostly known as "The Wizard"."

"The wizard..." MC mumbled to herself. His name—or rather, his title—didn't ring any bells.

"That's right. But I don't make just any wish come true. Your wish needs to be something you truly desire, even desperately. Of course, nothing is free, and granting wishes also has its fair cost. But everyone pays that cost because that's how much they want their wishes to come true. This place is my own personal domain. It's separated from the rest of the world, and no one can see it unless they need to be here."

MC listened carefully to everything The Wizard was saying. The situation was getting much clearer, including the reason why she was currently here, but there was one last thing she was curious about.

"Why me? I mean, you said you were interested in me. Why is that? I don't think there's anything particularly special about me."

The Wizard's lips curled up into a mysterious smile.

"That's the best thing about you—you have no idea how special you actually are. Don't misunderstand, I don't mean that in the usual aspect a simple person might use it. I look beyond appearances, for they have no value to me. What you have, my dear heroine, is an absurd amount of compassion, mercy, and completely destructive self-sacrifice. I've never seen anyone else like you. For this reason, ..." The Wizard grabbed the MC's arms and pulled her closer to him so quickly and forcefully that she didn't have any time to react. Being this close to him, she had no other choice but to gaze deeply into his purple eyes. "I must have you for myself and myself only. I've waited long enough for this day to come, and now that we've finally met, nothing will stand in my way."

The Wizard's words sounded absurd, and a part of MC refused to be a part of whatever this was, but a bigger part of her just didn't want to struggle anymore. What kind of life was waiting for her, anyway? She had no one left—nobody to go back to. She already decided the RFA would be better off without her. Even Jumin will eventually forget her and find his true happiness. She had her happy moments, yes, but other than those, the last two months were more than horrible. In the end, that's not what she wanted, and it wasn't the life she desired.


Jumin sat down to rest for a bit. His head was already aching, and the irritation and helplessness he felt were threatening to finish him off. He was running out of ideas, and the bad news he kept receiving from his bodyguards was driving him to the brink of his sanity.

"Why, MC... Why couldn't you just stay?"


"You are awfully quiet, my dear heroine. I thought you would struggle more, but it seems like you're full of surprises today. Is it possible you've already made a decision?"

"If I stay with you, what will become of me?"

"You will remain here with me and grant all of my wishes. Ironic, isn't it?"

MC pondered over his words for a bit, not because she was thinking whether to accept. Oh, no, she already knew what she wanted to do, but she felt like she needed to give the whole thing one last thought. She wanted to make sure her wish was perfect. There was no way she would mess this up. After a while, MC finally spoke up.

"I am willing to stay with you, but in exchange, I want you to fulfill my wish."


"I understand. You can rest until the morning. We will continue our search afterwards." Jumin ended the call and sighed. There was no sign of her anywhere. "It's hopeless, isn't it? You made sure no one would find you, didn't you? Damn it, MC!" Jumin was on the brink of tears.


"And what would that wish be, my dear heroine?"

"I want everything to go back to the way it was before I met the RFA. Back when Saeyoung was still alive and none of them knew of my existence. I just want everyone to be happy. I can't be the cause of any more pain... That's my true wish."

"Understood. After I fulfill your wish, your memory will be erased. That's the price you must pay for having your wish granted. But this situation is a bit different, so you won't lose your entire memory. The only one you will remember is me. As we already discussed, in exchange for your wish, you will stay with me forever in this world."

"I am fine with that."

"Good girl."


Jumin let the tears fall freely; otherwise, he might have gone completely crazy from all the thoughts and feelings flowing through his mind and body. After a bit, he slowly opened his eyes. His vision was clouded by a veil of tears. For the first time in his life, he felt completely desperate. He couldn't recognize his voice, when he eventually uttered:

"I wish MC..." But he couldn't continue.


'Too late, Jumin Han.' The Wizard thought and let out a satisfied laugh. The Wizard's long white hair brushed against MC's face, as he leaned down and claimed her lips. MC closed her eyes and shed the last tear that would ever travel down her cheek.


"What... was I about to say?"

Someone's voice, distant at first, was finally able to reach Jumin.

"Mr. Han!"

Jumin nearly jumped from his spot upon recognizing his assistant's voice.


"Are you alright, sir?" Your face looks like you've seen a ghost, and you have been mumbling to yourself for a while now. Are you sure you don't need to take a break from work? We have been pretty busy lately...."

Jumin looked around. He was in his office, which was completely normal, but for some reason that didn't feel quite right.

"Mr. Han?"

Jumin turned to Jaehee once more.

"Ah, yes, excuse me, Assistant Kang. I will go out to get some fresh air. I will be back in a bit."

"Of course, sir."

It was a nice, sunny day out. Jumin sat down on one of the benches in front of the C & R building. He still couldn't shake the ominous feeling that he had forgotten something. It was somewhere at the back of his mind; he was almost certain of that, but it refused to come back to him, like someone had put a lock on his memories. Jumin laughed to himself in amusement.

"What silly thoughts... Assistant Kang may be right. I do need a vacation."

With that, he closed his eyes for a bit and allowed the warm rays of sunlight to caress his face.

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