❧twenty seven: asteroid belt

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Assuming that things were going to get easier any time soon was probably Changbin's first mistake. He was quick to realize that on Tuesday afternoon when they were walking out of the theater together. The Australian had spotted two of his classmates, a male and a female, and the blonde was quick to rip his hand away from the older boy's grasp when he saw people that he was familiar with. It hurt Changbin in a way, but the raven haired boy knew that Felix was still in the midst of discovering himself. It wasn't as if he expected the blonde to just wake up the next morning and declare his sexuality had changed from everything that he once thought it was; because that obviously wasn't a realistic expectation. However, it didn't stop the raven haired boy from feeling pings of despair when the Australian spotted someone he was acquainted with when the two of them were together. Because he knew that as soon as that were to happen that Felix would promptly put distance between them; and that was the last thing in the world that Changbin wanted.

After all, he'd waited ten years to have the younger boy back within his arms, so he wasn't exactly keen on keeping his distance. In fact, the raven haired boy would have been more than happy to keep Felix's hand in his own for the rest of eternity. The only problem was that the blonde simply wouldn't allow it. At least, not in public, anyway. Behind closed doors, the Australian was more than happy to allow the older boy's fingers to be laced with his own; but in front of people that he knew, it was like a mortal sin.

And in a lot of ways, Changbin found himself wondering if it was because Felix was embarrassed to be seen with him. It was like a light switch. One moment, Felix would be holding his hand and laughing at the older boy's stupid jokes, and the next, he'd spot one of his classmates and he'd put a good three feet in between the two of them like he thought walking too close to Changbin would give him some type of contagious disease.

Wednesday was no easier. Tuesday night, the older boy spent the night with the blonde, and somewhere along the line, the Australian had managed to weasel his way into the raven haired boy's arms during the nighttime. They woke side by side, limbs entangled, and hearts beating in sync; which was complete and utter bliss in Changbin's eyes. He couldn't help but to think about how he wouldn't mind waking up to that face, that touch, those freckles, -all of it-, every morning for the rest of his entire life. Sadly, Felix wasn't sure if he felt the same way, because Felix was still Felix, and when had he ever been content with any of the situations he found himself in? So, Changbin's morning of bliss was as short lived as they come, and he ended up being pushed out of the blonde's bed and onto the floor, because the Australian hurriedly scrambled for the bathroom so that he could be away from Changbin, and he crawled over top of the raven haired boy so quickly that he knocked him out of the bed. And the day only got more strained from there.

By the time school let out, Felix still hadn't answered any of Changbin's periodic messages. They consisted of a text telling him to have a good day, a gentle reminder to have something to eat at lunchtime, and finally a message that asked if the younger boy was upset with him over something, where in which the raven haired boy apologized for "whatever it was that he did wrong".

Each message was read by Felix, but the blonde didn't reply to any of them. He also didn't bother to answer Changbin's call when the raven haired boy asked if the Australian wanted him to walk back to his apartment with him after school. And from there, the week only got worse.

On Wednesday night, they spoke on the phone for about thirty seconds at the very most. It was a very awkward conversation, where in which Felix spoke one word replies and half of the short call was spent sitting in silence on both ends of the line, just wondering what they should say to the other person. The Australian explained, in the shortest ways possible, that he was just busy during the day and that he wasn't mad at Changbin over anything. And while the raven haired boy was happy to know that the blonde wasn't angry at him over anything, it didn't stop all of his worries, because he seriously didn't believe that Felix being busy was the reason for him ignoring his text messages. Of course, he wasn't at all denying that it was a possibility, because Changbin knew that the school overworked the blonde as their class president. It was just that the younger boy seemed to be a little out of it when they spoke on the phone, and the raven haired boy began to wonder if he was sick or something of that nature.

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