Chapter 6

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Magicpaw blinked sleep from her eyes, the sun was now past the treetops bringing sunlight into the camp. She sat up and stretched then started giving herself a thorough grooming, once she was finished to pushed her way out of the den. The camp was busy, they were preparing for leaf bare which meant cold, starvation and sickness. Spottedpaw, the medicine cat apprentice was being quizzed by her mentor, Starpelt, a black she-cat with white spots, toes, muzzle and tail tip, on what herbs they would need if Greencough was to come.

"Coltsfoot to help the breathing, and catmint to clear the infection." The Apprentice was meowing as Magicpaw padded up.

"Very good." Starpelt purred her approval then noticed Magicpaw had padded over, she turned to her. "Do you need something?" She asked.

"No." Magicpaw replied. "I just thought I could help you collect herbs."

"That'll be great!" Starpelt meowed turning back to Spottedpaw she added, "What do we use to bring down fever?"

"Borage and feverfew." Spottedpaw replied, her green emerald eyes shining.

Starpelt nodded in approval, she stood up and padded to the gorse tunnel, looking over her shoulder she added. "We might as well get collecting the herbs now before the sun starts to set." Magicpaw and Spottedpaw followed her, heading out into the forest toward the Iceclan border.

"You sure this is a good idea." Magicpaw asked as they padded through the thick, lush, undergrowth, then she added. "I mean, tensions are high between us and Iceclan."

"We're medicine cats, we don't follow the S\same rules as Warriors do." Spottedpaw answer her. "We follow the Medicine Cat Rule." she added. Starpelt nodded but didn't say anything.

She must be worried too, Magicpaw thought. When they arrived at the Iceclan border Spottedpaw lifted her gray-spotted muzzle and sniffed the air.

"Are we looking for watermint?" Magicpaw asked.

Spottedpaw nodded, "They help with stomach ache." she meowed.

"What does it look like?" Magicpaw meowed, wanting to help she was trying to remember if that was something Scourge, her father, had taught her.

"It has big leaves, and they have purplish green leave." Spottedpaw replied. Magicpaw looked around and went down to the river, she sniffed then spotted some purplish green leaves among a bush.

"I think I found some!" She exclaimed, Spottedpaw rushed up to where she was sitting.

"That is watermint!" Spottedpaw purred, "You have great herb-finding skills!" Together they collect some of the leaves, but making sure they left enough so new ones could grow Magicpaw sat up and tasted the air a fishy scent hit her.

"Iceclan!" She hissed to Spottedpaw, they picked up the watermint and carried it over to Starpelt just as a Iceclan patrol came into view, Rushingriver was leading it. Coming up to the border, he dipped his head.

"Greetings." Rushingriver meowed, he had a deep voice and his pelt had thick silver-gray fur with darker flecks on his flanks and muzzle, his amber eyes glittered with caution. "What are you doing so close to our border?" He asked after a moment's pause. Before any of them could reply, a small black tortoiseshell stalked up to the border.

"Trespassers!" She hissed, a jet black tom padded up beside her, his shoulder fur fluffed up Rushingriver laid his tail over both of the cat's shoulders.

"We are not trespassing," Magicpaw meowed gently, not wanting to start a fight, "We've only come here to collect herbs." She added pointing at the pile of watermint with her muzzle. The tortoiseshell still looked ready for a fight, so Magicpaw, Spottedpaw, and Starpelt picked up their bundles of herbs and headed back to camp.

Once they got back they set down their bundles in the Medicine cat's clearing, "You did very well at the border." Starpelt mewed, "We would've had to fight if you said something less..." She paused, "nice." she mewed at last.

Magicpaw nodded, "It wasn't worth a fight, no need for bloodshed."

"You sound like you'd make a great leader." Spottedpaw added, padding over to them her white paws stained with herb scraps.

Magicpaw was surprised at her comment, could a once a rogue cat become a leader? She didn't really know, the Warrior Rule didn't say anything about it but she assumed that normally rogues aren't welcomed into the clans.

"Would you like to help me mix some poultices?" Spottedpaw asked, Magicpaw nodded, pushing her friend's comment to the back of her mind. Together, they went into the store of herbs and took some out.

"Is this Comfrey?" Magicpaw asked holding a paw up with the big fluffy leaves.

"It is." Spottedpaw mewed surprised, "How'd you know?" she asked. Magicpaw shrugged, remembering the days with her father out in the forest teaching her about the plants, how to use them and if they're useful.... She sighed.

"I just remember some things from when I was a rogue, I guess." Magicpaw replied, it was half true, but not the full truth.

"Well let's get these poultices ready." Spottedpaw mewed, together the two she-cats worked side-by-side until the sun slowly set behind the treetops.

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